>>3932438 (previous)
The point is not to get McSally per-se into the Senate. She's fine, but other Republicans would work well too. I really don't care whether she gets the seat or another decent Republican. The most important thing is to have a R not a D, a member of McConnell's team not Schumer's team.
For a legislator, party is almost the only thing that matters. (Noname and Flake were exceptions because they were so fake.) It doesn't matter if McSally is the R chosen to replace Noname instead of Kyl who currently fills that role. What matters is that Sinema is in Flake's seat.
>>3932378 (previous)
Call me a clown if you want. Or maybe the "how to spot a clown" thing is a bit off. We have to regain the initiative in the asymmetrical political warfare. We won't get respect if we get rolled over.