Anonymous ID: 5b1aec Nov. 16, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.3937114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7200 >>7533


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😁 no one believes ur crap 😂😂😘



u guys r so lost its hilarious. I use to say the same crap as u.


I was an Atheist since I was 8 yrs old



>>>3936286 (You)


>srsly, start here. the schism, then the canonization. srsly. dig.


^^ AHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!! Next you'll provide me with a Snopes link hahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhaha


u really think, I haven't investigated this???!??!!? hahhaha, I'm not a brainwashed Q zombie nor anyone's puppet.


I know King James was a sick bastard who bathed in blood & liked watching executions. I know about Enoch & about Zachariah Stitch & all that jazz. I also know that their were giants B4 "… the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose."


You won't get it until you do. I didnt find God because I was scared of hell or death. I didnt believe in hell. I didnt believe in the devil or Satan or any of that stuff. And I thought death was just DEATH. You die & that's it. no afterlife etc. I never feared death. I just thought of it as nothingness and I didnt, for the life of me, understand why that bothered people. I just figured the only reasons people believed in God was because they couldn't cope with nothingness or that they feared being punished. For me, I did good things because I felt it was right in my heart. I disdained religion because of the fear porn behind it & because I woud see so much hypocrisy from so called "religious " people.


it wasnt until I investigated pedogate that I realized that evil existed, that God was real and then I started to reflect on my life & everything that has happened.. the things I've experienced, my dreams, etc. & what i went through… if u have never honestly & openly given ur heart & soul to God for forgiveness you cant understand what it felt like when I did it.


I think its harder for ppl who where indoctrinated into the religion, as a kid, to have/keep faith then it is for someone who never had it and then finds it. For me, its impossible to believe that someone who disdained religion & then finds God could ever go back to being an atheist. If that person did, then my conclusion would be that they never found God or accept Jesus in the first place.