Anonymous ID: 5cfa69 Nov. 16, 2018, 10:52 p.m. No.3937143   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3937004 pb

A saying I learned from a song

to paraphrase:

"Those who criticize that which they do not understand, betray their own ignorance"

Yes, a lot of politics involved with Notables.

>>3937008 pb

You watch too much TV. Right after laying out Clint ton's guilt Comey claimed it didn't rise to the level of indictment. - to say that, to pronounce that opinion and to make it as a decision of the DoJ. was not in his purview nor authority. He over-reached his authority.. And was criticized at the time for it.

Only people who watch too much TV actually believe Comey helped Trump to win the election.

What if he had actually done what he should have done vis a vis Clinton's crimes? - that would've really given it to Trump now wouldn't it have? Wouldn't it?

But he didn't do that. He broke his oath to the Constitution and covered for her as he had been doing for many years before.