Notice I told you that Q is run by Marines. They are putting all of us anons through a Boot Camp of the mind. Each week has subtle themes. That is similar to what the Marines do at Paris Island. One week is Weapons Week one Week is Marching (more like three) one week is another event.
Okay that is what this week will likely to be. A turn toward hidden technologies, Alien contact, ancient civiilzations on Earth.
Never forget they have Marines here shepparding the pack of sheep dogs that we are being trained to become. They are getting us all the basic same knowledge. Getting all of our differences knocked off. As we all get a Fire Hose of information. We are being built up to be able to stand with family, friends, strangers and co-workers and know so much stuff that when some you try explaining some arrest or event that takes place you will have everything you need to debate them for hours is you have to.
We are the humans that people will have to ask questions from because only we have been though the Marine Boot Camp of Q.
They are trying to fool you if you seriously doubt most of David Wilcocks information.
It is their only play now. To throw so much mud on the wall that you get lost in the crap. This is basically how they have keep disclosure from happening at least since the 1980's. Just flooding the airwaves with noise just to make it hard for you. Same with our education system. It is a fraud. They are lying about some fundamental parts of science and nature. Intentionally to keep us stupid.