GenicideWatch needs updating
They don’t even bother hiding it
First rule of journalism: do not become the story
Fellow Tulsanon?
Who hired then? Noodles wouldn’t fire because of muh raycisss
WaPo learned during Roy Moore election that their unnamed sources can subvert the democratic process.
Traitors, mockingbirds and faggots
States have different laws re: castle doctrine and “stand your ground”.
A Texan has more rights against gun grabbing (((Dems))) than a Chicagoan
(((They))) are sick
40% of American Jews owned slaves pre1865
Less than one percent of whites did
The Atlantic slave trade was a run by Dutch Jews
Who hasn’t profited from the ghetto? Republicans.
What historically left/dem/jewish led cities have the highest poverty rates? Violent crime?
LBJ destroyed black America with the Jewish s democrat “War on Poverty” laws.
Wake up the black goy, it ain’t whitey that has oppressed and enslaved them