>>3938123 (lb)
Something new happens everyday.
People fired/resigned, massive geopoltical moves (USMC, Korea, Iran, China tariffs), Broward is insane (vote scandals, submarines, bomb threats that are ballot boxes, mail bombs, David Hogg), migrant hordes on the move like white walkers, American military deployed not on foreign soil to protect foreign interests but at the American border, FBI exposure (yes, at a drip drop pace), Supreme Court (Kav, RBG falling), fires ravaging CA (is it DEWs? the power company? Pelosi?), CPL slapping women around, Corsi getting it up the butt, Acosta doing a song and dance, HRC faux pas, Brennan tweets, POTUS' savage tweets, and now JA is back.
And all of it being revealed in greatest intel drop in history. I don't know about you, but I'm having a good time. Try not to sweat it, sit back and relax, and of course:
Enjoy the show!
Well said hour ago anon that didn't get any yous