Anonymous ID: 07bb37 Feb. 15, 2018, 9:49 p.m. No.394119   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Proving gun control will neber work, shill.

The simple response is, "if there was ever a time to need guns for protection its now. In 15 years when social gibs run out are you going to feed 30 million nogs and 50 million spics?"

Anonymous ID: 07bb37 Feb. 15, 2018, 9:53 p.m. No.394145   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Tell your friends that their blood will run in the streets if anything happens to Q, Admiral Rogers or the President. The genie is out of the bottle. You are all exposed.

Exactly why that would never happen. They need to break the support between Trump and his base before they would even think about doing something that stupid. Luckily potus knows how to play these commie faggots to never step too far over the line.

Anonymous ID: 07bb37 Feb. 15, 2018, 9:56 p.m. No.394159   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>CIA operation gone bad

Patsy. They strike a deal with him to deal guns over x amount of time, then months later invite him to a hotel room. Now his home is full, his fingers are all over transactions, and hes in the room. They do the deed and leave him there to take the blame.

Anonymous ID: 07bb37 Feb. 15, 2018, 10:09 p.m. No.394260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4319 >>4336


> it's safe to safe Q is a LARP.

Hes legit (proven many times) but its also a sign to the rest to get your house in order and prepare 25 years worth of food, if you haven't already.

Anonymous ID: 07bb37 Feb. 15, 2018, 10:15 p.m. No.394301   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Ask yourself that.., We have arrived far.., something so doesn't see.., We have to follow

1) Stop shitting in the street

2) Learn "engrish"