As the navel is set in the centre of the human body,
so is the land of Israel the navel of the worldโฆ
situated in the centre of the world,
and Jerusalem in the centre of the land of Israel,
and the sanctuary in the centre of Jerusalem,
and the holy place in the centre of the sanctuary,
and the ark in the centre of the holy place,
and the Foundation Stone before the holy place,
Youโre either in the trance and donโt see whatโs really going on, or youโre out of the trance state. Once youโre out, the perception of what the trance entails increases with every question posed, and the awareness keeps solidifying. The memory of the trance exists even when you see through the scam and deceit. This is because the new freedom state of existence is non-dimensional and no suggestion has ever been implanted to cause you to forget what was experienced in the trance state. The reason for this is that none of us weโre supposed to get out the trance, ever! The luciferian egregore were certain that the trance would hold.
If you comprehend that humanity is in a mass hypnotic trance, and that the whole 3D experience is an illusion that is perpetuated by a master egregore group hypnotic force, the luciferian mindset, then your trance has been broken.
Watch and wait as the wisdom of your reclaimed new state, your original state, gives you all the freedom and liberty you need to answer any question you may have ever conceived about why weโre here and what life is all about. Itโs all very simple. Weโve been screwed to the wall and made to believe that this lunacy which constitutes the world and universal experience is who and what we really are. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The eternal state is reclaimed here and now, in this, the only moment there really is. Death is an illusion and damnation is a farce. Be aware of this state of nothingness, our original state, that has no 3 dimensional characteristics whatsoever. Let go of any emotional attachment to the 3 dimensional lie, (even though the illusion of it is ever present), and be free from any guilt or fear which is designed to burden and blind. We are all perfect and pure and the greatest of all.
โฆThe power of this group entity is their ability to create an illusion and to make us believe the lie. Once the illusion is broken and the lie uncovered, the egregore is finished. They just donโt know it yet. They have no wisdom, no truth, no awareness,โฆ they just have intellectual religious concepts that they keep perpetuating endlessly, not realizing for a moment that the whole mess has been uncovered. If hell were real, this is the hell they never wanted to experience, where humanity totally ignores them and totally ignores the whole sick โthought, energy, light illusion
Hello JJ
look at the hands.
J. Robert Oppenheimer, scientist who oversaw development of the first nuclear bomb in Project Manhattan, receives a Masonic handshake from President Lyndon B. Johnson. Johnson earned only the 3rd degree of Master Mason.
Oppenheimer, a Jewish cabalist, held the 33rd degree. Andrew Jackson ("Old Hickory"), the historical figure in the painting on the wall, was also a 33rd degree Mason. Oppenheimer lost his security clearance when it became clear to security officials that he was most likely a Communist espionage agent and certainly was a Communist sympathizer. Both the Soviet Union and the nation of Israel were given secret plans to the atomic bomb weapon by Jewish spies burrowed deep inside the United States military science establishments.
Pope Pius XII greets Cardinal Spellman of New York.
New York's powerful Cardinal Spellman shakes hand of Pope John XXIII, who succeeded Pope Pius XII.
President George W. Bush and FBI Director nominee Robert Mueller exchange grip behind podium. (Photo: The Washington Post, July 22, 2001)
Almost all the Vatican curia are Masons and cabalists and many are also Rosicrucians. (Photo: The Catholic World Report, January 1997)
Pope John Paul II in a Masonic grip with a Cardinal at the China in March, 1992 as a bemused Vatican. Notice the pressure on the knuckle official looks on.
Israeli Foreign Minister David Levy (left), in Masonic grip with Red Chinese counterpart in Beijing, China in March, 1992 as a bemused official looks on.
U.S. President Clinton receives Masonic grip from United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan at opening of the UN General Assembly. In this staged photo opportunity, aides for the two world leaders arranged the national flags so that Nicaragua's Illuminati-designed flag, which has a (male) triangle, a solar image, and all-seeing eye as its focus would be most prominently displayed.
Great Britain's Duke of Kent, head of the United Lodge, the largest Masonic fraternity in England, holds the title, The Most Worshipful Grand Master. The Duke is sharing a Masonic grip on visit to Cape Town, South Africa.
Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld in the Bush Administration gives coded handshake to Saudi Arabia's King Fahd (top) and Oman's Sultan Qaboos (below). (Time magazine, October 15, 2001)
Jerry Falwell, Baptist hero, in a Masonic grip with Skull & Bones alumnus, President George H. W. Bush, at the White House in 1991. Falwell claims to be a pro-life advocate but never complained when Senior Bush nominated abortion supporters like Judge David Souter to the U.S. Supreme Court and other federal posts.
President Clinton in a Masonic grip with Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. Breyer, a devout cabalistic Jew, was nominated by Clinton to the Supreme Court.
To the right of Breyer is Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, also a cabalistic and Talmudic Jew and again a Clinton appointee. (Photo: The Cincinnati Post, October 1, 1994)
President Bill Clinton meets in 1995 with Pope John Paul II. The Pope is extending his left hand in a Talmudic attempt to conceal the Masonic grip that is about to occur.
Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and Pope John Paul II combine to present a Masonic symbol in this staged event for the TV cameras. (Photo: The New York Times, October 1, 1989)
Pope John Paul II meets with Israel's Chief Rabbi, Yisrael Meir Lau, at the papal retreat in Rome. As is customary of members of the Grand Lodge of Jerusalem, the rabbi disguises the Masonic hand grip with his left hand.
I'm just showing you how deep the rabbit hole goes. The only way I can. Through pictures.
Evangelist Billy Graham shares an indisputably Masonic handshake with fellow 33rd degree Mason, former President Harry S. Truman. Also, observe Graham's left hand, held in the Masonic position.
According to Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, Truman was elected Grand Master of all Masons in Missouri in 1940. A 33rd degree, Truman's Masonic funeral was the first to ever be televised worldwide.
From boyhood, the elite managed and groomed the young Bill Clinton for stardom.
How many young men at age 16 got the opportunity to go to Washington, D.C. and have the photo opportunity of shaking hands with President John F. Kennedy? A few years later, college student Clinton marched in communist protest demonstrations.
Earl Browder, head of the United States Communist Party for sixteen years (1931-1946), giving the Communist salute at the 1936 convention. Browder was a friend of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin and worked behind the scenes to get President Franklin D. Roosevelt reelected.
The fabulously wealthy Salomon Rothschild, founder and overseer of the Vienna, Austria branch of the Rothschild clan.
How deeply was the Vatican and its Black Pope of the Jesuit Order involved in the 1865 plot to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln ?
Burke McCarty, in an extraordinary 1924 book, The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, alleges that the powerful and influential Giacomo Antonelli, Cardinal and Secretary of the Papal States under Pope Pius IX, supervised the plot from afar and even hid a murderous associate of assassin John Wilkes Booth in the Vatican State, where he had fled, to protect him from execution by American authorities who sought his extradition.
How incredible! Whitaker is right on target. Who would have ever thought that in the once great United States of America would reside almost 300 million souls, virtually every one of whom today is shaking in his boots, quivering, numb with fear over what dreadful things might happen if he just once simply put his foot down, gritted his teeth, and spit out the words:
I see the little man on the stair. He is there! And two plus two makes four. And that's all there is to it. Period!
How sad that most men, by their cowardly silence, become secret collaborators, acquiescing in their own enslavement. What a marvelous and wonderful world this would be if just a small group of honest and thoughtful, courageous men and women would view the revealing and provocative photographs, illustrations, and proofs in and exclaim with all their might in a loud, loud voice to all within hearing range:
"I see it. I no longer will remain bound by the willful ignorance that binds the multitudes. I will tell others. I will speak out until, someday, maybe soon, the whole, rotten occult Illuminati establishment comes crashing down!"
As Above, So Below
This, then, is the end-goal of Illuminism: To destroy earth, debase civilization, end pure spirituality, induce chaos on earth, and bring order according to Satan's Illuminati script. Earth is to be hell and hell on earth: As Above, So Below.
This is the meaning of the double-headed Eagle; the androgynous joining of man and woman; the mixing of the yin and yang; the checkerboard, black and white floors of the Masonic Lodges; the mirror images of the Rosicrucians; the sulphurous tale of Beauty and the Beast; the witches parable of the lovely lady vs. the crone on her broom; the Druid/Satanic/Catholic alternating of black and white priest vestments; the front and obverse (hidden) sides of the Great Seal of the United States; the reversing of the cross and the reading of the Lord's Prayer backwards in satanic worship, ad nauseam.
All fields, all things, must be reversed. Negative must be transmuted into positive. Bad will be good. Black shall be white. The ugly shall be adjudged beautiful and the beautiful is to be spoiled, scarred, and made repugnant and revolting. God shall be debased and Satan exalted.
Illuminism, therefore, is a system of dualism (thesis and antithesis) which cyclically repeats as synthesis results. Then, the conflicting forces of the duality cycle clash again, with synthesis being achieved once more. Always the synthesis, the temporary solution or form, is unfrozen, the process of two competing forces reignited, and the cycle is continued.
Chaos begets order, but chaos ensues again, followed by order, and so on. The conflict of opposites leads finally to system equilibrium which is disturbed once again by renewed conflict, and a new, temporary stage of equilibrium is achieved. Ever upward, evolving until perfection. So, the Illuminist is a perfectionist ever changing, seeking more light as he travels down that yellow brick road to tomorrow.
As Bill and Hillary Clinton's favorite song intoned,
"Don't stop thinking about tomorrow."
"Everything must change," was the slogan of the Illuminists who sparked the French Revolution
who is this BO shaking hands with?
that is what I was thinking immediately! Do we have the picture of Hillary and him? Lets do a side by side.
All truths are easy to understand once they are DISCOVERED;
The point is to DISCOVER them. - Galileo