Anonymous ID: be8237 Feb. 15, 2018, 9:36 p.m. No.394008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4112




< Monarch


“Lone Gunman” terrorists who carry out terrorist style attacks and are later found to have been subjugated to some mysterious form of sophisticated mind control and many of them are found to have ingested SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) which they were conveniently prescribed by their doctors.


This became the precursor of mind control research which has lead to the more sophisticated mind control techniques which are secretively (not for long) in practice today and involve the use of radio frequencies, illegally placed body implants, and hand held microwave weapons.


You have probably heard about this research but are most likely unaware that you have because it involves a specific group of people who are now known as TIs (Targeted Individuals). This criminal research operation has been ongoing for some time and has amassed quite a large number of participants, some willing and happy to torture others for the sheer rush they get from the power derived from their part without the threat of arrest and others because they have been coerced into service or else be a continual victim of the attacks themselves


Elite Child Sex Rings


(Grain of salt)


The Monarch Project of prostituting children deserves further mention (although Chomsky would disagree). In 1988, Vice President Bush was caught having 15 year-old callboy prostitutes visiting the White House late at night. The credit cards records to prove it were splashed across the front page of the Washington Times: "Homosexual Prostitution Inquiry Ensnares VIP's with Reagan, Bush Sr."


Unfortunately the star witness, [Bush aide] Craig Spence, was suicided in his hotel with piano wire before he could testify. Books like "The Franklin Coverup" by John DeCamp have further proven the links between theCIA and Army intelligence to the elite sex slavery rings. Cases like the "The Finders" in Washington DC, where customs agents discovered a CIA warehouse full of child porn and satanic torture [material], stand as yet further evidence.


In the former Yugloslavia, CIA front company Dyncorp has been convicted of operating in the human slave trade and using their C-130's [cargo planes] to ship many of the 200,000 women and children smuggled out every year. Furthermore, mainstream news outlets have shown evidence of U.N. "peacekeepers" assisting the sex trade in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Balkans.


Despite the voluminous amount of grotesque evidence, Chomsky has never discussed the elite sex trade. This is an issue so shocking, so paradigm-altering, that his Leftist followers would no longer trust their loving mother government, and that is the last thing Chomsky wants. After all, if the Leftists knew that top level politicians [and their masters –ed] are actually pedophiles practicing satanic ritual abuse, they would no longer trust the savior world government. The absence of Chomsky and the Left on the suffering of these children speaks volumes about their true moral character and motives.

Anonymous ID: be8237 Feb. 15, 2018, 9:48 p.m. No.394112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4128


Watch the Water


Of course, MK ULTRA lives on today in our drinking water. It was around the time of its inception, in the 1950's, that the U.S. government began adding sodium fluoride to tap water in massive quantities. Should we be shocked? After all, the first people to use the deadly neurotoxin were the Nazis, who found [that] it pacified the concentration camp prisoners. Now, thanks to imported Nazi doctors helping our friendly neighborhood CIA, American citizens could enjoy the same privilege as those in Hitler's camps.


CIA Poisoned the Well


Dr Jim Ketchum was involved in the US Army’s programme for testing the military effectiveness of a whole range of psychedelic chemicals. He entered his office as Department Chief one Monday morning in 1969 and found a black steel barrel, a bit like an oil drum, in the corner. The military does not always explain everything, and Dr Ketchum assumed there was a good reason for this unusual addition to the furniture. However, after a couple of days he became curious. He waited until everyone else in the building had gone home one evening and opened the lid. 


The barrel was filled with sealed glass canisters “like cookie jars”. He took one out to inspect it; the label indicated that the jar contained three pounds of pure EA 1729. This wouldn’t mean much to most people, but to anyone working in this field the code was instantly familiar. Substances were given EA designations from the Army’s Edgewood Arsenal; EA 1729 is the military designation for LSD. The other glass canisters were the same, perhaps 14 of them in all. This was enough acid for several hundred million doses with, Ketchum estimated, a street value of over a billion dollars.  Some wild ideas about what to do next flitted through his mind, but in the event he simply sealed the barrel up again. By the Friday morning it had vanished as mysteriously as it arrived

Anonymous ID: be8237 Feb. 15, 2018, 9:53 p.m. No.394141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4159



RIP John

Paddock supposedly had strange batteries/chargers and multiple phones in his room. Missing hard drive in laptop. Could of been part of a CIA operation gone bad.