Anonymous ID: d95416 Feb. 15, 2018, 9:59 p.m. No.394186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4202

It is impossible to keep up with these happenings and still live a life. Love all you bat-shit-sane fags! (nohomo)


Did anyone read the 176 pages Veerry Carefully as ordered? I took that to heart and it makes some things sooo much clearer!


Cornell University Medical Center was the site where Chinese brainwashing techniques were studied in the Human Ecology Study Program. Clowns gave money to foundations to give to Universities to ensure plausible deniability and cover. The government matched the funds because as far as they knew, the funds were received from a private source. Sounding familiar? pg 171.


Any serious fag MUST read this…Q said!




Can someone create a discussion group for this?