Well. If I was to tell you, you wouldn't believe me anyway lol.
How do I know? Because, the information found me. And I learned.
What if I was to share with you, that every day of your life, every second of it. You are being influenced to think a certain way. Vote a certain way. To agree with certain ideas. Feel certain emotions etc.
What if every second of every day you were being attacked mentally and you didn't even know it was happening. You think they are your own ideas and thoughts.
Okay. Lol. What if, we are in the middle of a war that is in plain site yet we can't see it. What if some stories are half truths and full lies.
What if, they is a battle for our minds. Because if you an control the mind then you get the soul. They can take your body but not the soul. To get the soul you need the mind.
Because everything is connected.