Anonymous ID: 5abfc3 Nov. 17, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.3941406   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Could AJ be /ourguy/?

I know it sounds crazy, but is there any proof that he's on MOS payroll?

If so I'm just a faglord.

Q said


That could be interpreted as Q told him to release certain true information that could not be ignored by 'them.'

Other interpretation is that 'they' planned to use him to leak classified data on major platforms as an excuse to censor 'misinformation.'


I'm confused as to what 'they' hoped to accomplish with AJ as a shill.

Shilling in general is such a useless tactic, quite literally the definition of insanity.

I just cannot interpret the shill tactic as ever being useful for 'them' to accomplish anything towards 'their' ends.


Any anon got a tl;dr explanation of AJ or FakeMAGA in general?