Anonymous ID: 6e0a82 Nov. 17, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.3941024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1142 >>1293 >>1504 >>1556 >>1629



Houthis Attack Camp Of Saudi-led Coalition In Central Yemen With Armed Drone

On November 16, a Qasef-1 armed unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the Yemeni Air Force [loyal to the Houthis] carried out a series of airstrikes on a camp of the Saudi-led coalition and its Yemeni proxies in the central province of Ma’rib.


“The aerial operation resulted in accurate hits in the targeted camp … many mercenaries were killed and injured in the operation,” a source in the Yemeni Air Force told the al-Masirah TV.

Contrary to the Yemeni Air Force claims, the Saudi-backed part of the Yemeni military said that the UAV was shot down when it approached the coalition’s camp. According to this report, the UAV was equipped with a camera and armed with four small bombs.

“Our engineer team handed the UAV over to the Arab coalition engineer unit in order to analyze it and identify its source,” the military said.

The Qasef-1 is a copy of the Iranian-made “Ababil-2”, according to a report of the Conflict Armament Research (CAR) group. The Houthis used Qasef-1 as a suicide UAV when it was first introduced in 2017. However, the UAV was modified later to carry and drop small-diameter projectiles.


Overview Military Situation In Yemen On November 17, 2018 (Map Update)

Despite formal claims of the Saudi-UAE-led coalition to accept a ceasefire to improve humanitarian situation in Yemen, the conflict is still smoldering.


The coalition advance on the Houthi-controlled port city of al-Hudaydah has been temporarily paused. However, clashes are still ongoing in the area of the 7 July district;

9 civilians were recently killed by coalition airstrikes in the Hali district of al-Hudaydah;

Clashes are ongoing in the areas of Sirwah and Damt;

In northern Yemen, clashes are ongoing in the Baqim area, at the Alab border crossing and along the border of the Narjan province;

The Saudi-backed “government of Yemen” continues to blame Iran and the Houthis for various things. This time, the “Yemeni government” has accused Iran and the Houthis of threatening fishing in the Red Sea.

Anonymous ID: 6e0a82 Nov. 17, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.3941069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1123

West persistent in transforming Balkans into springboard against Russia - Lavrov


MOSCOW, November 17. /TASS/. The western states do their utmost to turn the Balkan Peninsula into a springboard against Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with The Serbian Telegraph newspaper.


"After the end of the Cold War, Western countries refused to join efforts in shaping an architecture of equal and indivisible security in the Euro-Atlantic space, which Russia had been persistently urging to do," Lavrov said. "They opted for a dead-end way of expanding their geopolitical space and of mapping new divisive lines on the European continent".


"For example, in 1990, they bombed Yugoslavia for two and a half months, grossly violating international law, and then in an attempt to legitimize the act of aggression they recognized unilaterally Kosovo’s independence," Lavrov stressed.


The West’s anti-Russian policy evolved into "an armed coup in Kiev in February 2014, which was staged and backed by Washington and some European countries," he said.


"As a result, Ukraine, which had had everything to become successful and prosperous, found itself drawn into a bloody feud," the foreign minister added.


"There is an impression that the West has not learnt any lessons from the Ukrainian tragedy. Persistent attempts are currently in full swing to transform the Balkans into another springboard against Russia," he emphasized. "Regional nations are forced to make a choice: either with Moscow, or with Washington and Brussels."


"We are aware that Belgrade is subject to severe pressure aimed at making it wind down mutually beneficial cooperation with our country. Serbian brothers are resiliently withstanding this," Lavrov said.


"Moscow highly appreciates Serbia’s independent, multipronged foreign policy which, I am convinced, meets your nation’s vital interests," he said.



Anonymous ID: 6e0a82 Nov. 17, 2018, 10:41 a.m. No.3941099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1142 >>1293 >>1439 >>1504 >>1556 >>1629

Second Amendment ‘sanctuary city’? Washington police chief pushes back against anti-2A regulations


Voters in Washington state recently approved increased, statewide regulations on the Second Amendment. But one local police chief says he has no plans to enforce them, claiming they infringe on the Second Amendment.


According to KXLY-TV, the new regulations, which were approved by nearly 60 percent of Washington state voters, are some of the most strict firearm regulations in the country. KXLY explains:


Initiative 1639…raises the age limit for some gun purchases; it has a safe storage provision that can lead to criminal charges if gun owners allow someone not authorized to access a gun displays it or uses it to commit a crime; and puts an enhanced background check and waiting period in place for people who want to buy a semi-automatic rifle.


What did the police chief do?


Loren Culp, the police chief of Republic, a small town in northeastern Washington, took to Facebook last week to inform his citizens he will not enforce Initiative 1639, which the voters of Republic overwhelmingly rejected.


“I’ve taken 3 public oaths, one in the US Army and Two as a police officer. All of them included upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States of America,” Culp wrote. “The second amendment says the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”


“As long as I am Chief of Police, no Republic Police Officer will infringe on a citizens right to keep and Bear Arms, PERIOD!” he declared.


According to KXLY, 73 percent of voters in Republic voted against Initiative 1639.


In an interview with KXLY, Culp said he believes Initiative 1639 “completely flies in the face of both the U.S. and state constitution.”

What does Culp plan to do?


In an effort to rebut the new alleged anti-Second Amendment regulations, Culp wrote on Facebook that he has proposed a city ordinance to safeguard firearm rights protected by both the U.S. Constitution and the Washington State Constitution.


Culp proposed the ordinance be cited as the “2nd Amendment Sanctuary City Ordinance.”


Read the full proposed ordinance:


The city clerk for Republic told KXLY the ordinance will be presented to the city council next week, however it’s not clear what action, if any, they will take. Meanwhile, Culp said he does not need immediate approval to enforce his proposed policy.

Anonymous ID: 6e0a82 Nov. 17, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.3941255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1293 >>1504 >>1507 >>1556 >>1629



“Made and Planted in Syria” exhibition to be held on December

Head of Agriculture Sector at the Union Eyad Mohammad told SANA that the exhibition is an important platform to display the Syrian agricultural products which have witnessed remarkable developments whether in quantity or in quality.


Czech Government intends to build an orphanage in Syria

Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis announced his country’s willingness to establish an orphanage in Syria in coordination with the Syrian Government.

The orphanage will embrace a kindergarten, a school, a lodging and a stadium and it will accommodate for 150 children.


Al-Safa Is Liberated. Syrian Army Eliminated Last ISIS-held Position In Al-Safa

According to the source, the heavy rain destroyed most of the fortifications and hideouts of the terrorist group during the last few days. This forced the remaining terrorists to flee towards the eastern Homs desert, where ISIS maintain a small pocket.

The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) confirmed that the SAA had made a significant advance in al-Safa and said that the highest positions in the area are currently under the army control.

“Our units in the southern region made significant advance in al-Safa and imposed fire control on the remaining ISIS-held positions,” the SANA quotes a military source as saying.


Weapons and ammunition left behind by terrorists found in Damascus Countryside

A field commander said that the competent authorities, during combing the liberated towns south of Damascus in cooperation with the people, found a large quantity of ammunition, weapons and missiles, some of which US-made, in a farm between the towns of Babila and Beit Sahm.


Russian Military Registered Over 530 Violations Of Ceasefire In Idlib De-Escalation Zone Since September 17

“Since the memorandum to establish a demilitarized zone was signed on 17 September 2018, the reconciliation center has documented more than 530 violations of the ceasefire agreement. As a result, 25 Syrian soldiers were killed, 67 people were wounded, including five civilians,” Lieutenant General Vladimir Savchenko, chief of the Russian center for reconciliation of conflicting sides in Syria, told media on November 16.


Military Situation In Syria On November 17, 2018 (Map Update)

Syrian government forces continue their advance on ISIS positions in the area of al-Safa;

US-backed forces are clashing with ISIS in the Hajin pocket;

The humanitarian crisis in the al-Rubkan refugee camp, in the US zone of responsibility, is still not solved;

Over the past days, militnats have repeatedly attacked positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in northern Hama and southwestern Aleppo.


I do not believe this to be true.Same story for months. Are we to believe that the world's best Military's can't take out a few thousand terrorists????

The US-led coalition had stepped up its aerial operations in the Euphrates Valley in order to support the SDF, which is still unable to advance in the region due to the fierce resistance from ISIS fighters.


Yet these reports keep coming daily!


40 martyred in new massacre by “Int’l Coalition” in Deir Ezzor countryside

US-led coalition aircrafts, last week, bombed villages and towns in the countryside of Deir Ezzor with internationally banned white phosphorus bombs and cluster bombs without hearing any comment or position from the UN Security Council and the United Nations.

Anonymous ID: 6e0a82 Nov. 17, 2018, 11:06 a.m. No.3941325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1352 >>1504 >>1556 >>1629



Broward counts the wrong ballots as Florida races to finish manual recount ahead of Sunday deadline


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Fresh off its bungled machine recount, Broward County’s second day of manual recounting temporarily stopped about an hour after it began Saturday when lawyers from both political parties pointed out that volunteers were counting the wrong ballots.


Hundreds of volunteers spent most of Friday sorting through 32,000 overvotes and undervotes in the Senate race between incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson and Republican Gov. Rick Scott. Broward officials announced Friday night they had finished their manual recount.


On Saturday, the volunteers started sorting about 22,000 undervotes and overvotes in the contentious contest for Florida Commissioner of Agriculture.


That came to a grinding halt when lawyers found thousands of overlapping ballots which clearly showed a vote in the agriculture race but were fuzzy in the Senate race.


“It appears there may have been some ballots from yesterday mixed in with the ones for today,” Broward Canvassing Board Judge Deborah Carpenter-Toye told reporters.


Forty-seven manila envelopes from the Senate recount were mixed in with the envelopes distributed for the commissioner race.


Broward County Canvassing Board Attorney Rene Harrod told Fox News the issue was caught in time and that none of the 47 envelopes made it to the canvassing board. It’s an important catch because it rules out the possibility of some votes being counted twice.


Republican lawyer Joe Goldstein demanded the recount be stopped. Instead, the canvassing board decided to keep counting and instructed volunteers to flag any incorrect ballots from Saturday’s count.


The news comes as Florida struggles to complete its mandatory manual recount in the U.S. Senate race by noon Sunday. The Sunshine State – Broward County in particular - has been under the microscope since the recounts were ordered last Saturday.


On Thursday, embattled Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes boasted about making the state’s deadline for machine recounts.


“We are excited to be at this point,” she said Thursday afternoon.

Anonymous ID: 6e0a82 Nov. 17, 2018, 11:22 a.m. No.3941447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1463

Donald Trump on Caravan Migrants: If They Hate Their Country, Why Are They Waving Their Flags?


President Donald Trump expressed skepticism on Saturday about the conditions of the migrants traveling with caravans through Mexico to get to the United States.


“They’re talking about all their great fear, all their problems with their country, but they’re all waving their country’s flag. What is that all about?” Trump commented about the caravans as he left the White House on Saturday to visit the wildfire devastation in California.


“If they have such fear, such problems, and they hate their country, why do we see all the flags being waved for Guatemala or Honduras or El Salvador?”


“This has nothing to do with asylum; this has to do with getting into our country illegally,” he said.


Trump again stated that “catch and release” for migrants claiming asylum, who then fail to return for their court hearings is over.


“They think they’re going to be released into our country like in the old days. … We’re not releasing. They don’t get released,” Trump said.


Trump also said he would keep the thousands of troops at the southern Border “as long as necessary” to help protect the country, and he praised the troops for building and manning barbed wire fences on the border.


The president expressed openness to immigration into the United States but only if it is legal.


“We have millions of people in line to get into our country legally,” he said. “Those people have preference.”

Anonymous ID: 6e0a82 Nov. 17, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.3941574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1629

Brexiteer’s Letter to Theresa May


Dear Madam


Over the past few months , there has been a great amount of coverage about your Chequers Plan and the future direction of Brexit.


I have been digesting the information and have come to the conclusion that the Government’s plan for Brexit is not really Brexit at all.


When the referendum was announced a little over two years ago, the Government said it would follow the decision of the people.


We voted to leave the EU.


That meant we voted to take back our independence and sovereignty. Yet with a Cabinet stuffed full of Remainers, how on earth can the people trust you or your Government?


Our country is now on course for the softest Brexit on offer. We did NOT vote for this in the EU Referendum. This is an Olly Robbins and Gavin Barwell Brexit.


The question is, why on earth are you letting a Civil Servant and a former Remainer MP dictate Government policy?


You are condemning thousands of loyal party candidates to certain defeat in next year’s local elections.


They both undermined David Davis and should be sacked. They answer to the Government, not the other way around.


The Conservative grassroots are up in arms and angry about this gross betrayal of what we voted for. Is it any wonder that constituency members and the wider public are angry about what they see as a betrayal of the biggest democratic vote in our history?


You are condemning thousands of loyal party candidates to certain defeat in next year’s local elections. On a broader scale, there is a real chance that if you are still Prime Minister at the time of the next General Election, you will lead us to certain defeat.


And that is before we look at domestic issues such as the roll out of Universal Credit. Lifelong Conservative members are resigning from the party.


I am a grassroots Conservative member and feel let down and betrayed by your Brexit Plan. In effect, you have kept us in a Customs Union and kept open the possibility that freedom of movement of people will continue.


All you have done is succeeded in dividing your own party. In addition, you are alienating the DUP over the issue of what to do about Northern Ireland.


Your Brexit Plan risks the Union and all that it stands for. The grassroots members are the lifeblood of our party. I feel that you are fast losing the confidence of them. Losing not one but two prominent Cabinet Ministers over the last couple of months is careless.


With a raft of ministerial resignations this week including the Brexit Secretary who negotiated your Brexit Plan, surely alarm bells must be ringing in Downing Street? The Chequers Plan is dead!


Your Brexit Plan is a non-Brexit. It is a failure to understand what 17.4m people voted for and has no mathematical chance of being passed by Parliament. I urge you to think again.


I feel that you are not the best person to deliver the Brexit we voted for. It is time to make way for a committed Brexiteer to take over. It is time for you to resign! Stand aside now for the good of your country.


Yours sincerely,


Robert J.F. Barnes