Anonymous ID: d1252e Nov. 17, 2018, 1:09 p.m. No.3942579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3291

Donald Trump: Now Is ‘a Very Good Time to Do a Shutdown’ for Border Wall


President Donald Trump again said that he is open to a partial government shutdown to force Democrats to help fund the border wall.


“Probably if I was ever going to do a shutdown on border security, when you look at the caravans, when you look at the mess, when you look at the people coming in, this would be a very good time to do a shutdown,” Trump said as he left the White House on Saturday to travel to California.


The president said he wants $5 billion in funding for the wall and border security.


“I don’t think it’s going to be necessary because I think the Democrats will come to their senses,” he said regarding a possible partial government shutdown.


He said Republicans would continue to win elections on the issue of border security if Democrats failed to deliver.


Trump repeatedly floated the idea of a government shutdown over wall funding before the midterm elections, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan urged him to wait until after the election.


McConnell and Republican members of the Senate visited Trump at the White House on Thursday to discuss the issue, again urging the president to avoid a shutdown.


Congress has already funded most of the government, but funding for the Department of Homeland Security expires on December 7.


“We had a good discussion about funding the government and the other year-end items, and we’re optimistic we’re going to be able to get that done,” McConnell told reporters after meeting with Trump.

Anonymous ID: d1252e Nov. 17, 2018, 1:14 p.m. No.3942629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3060 >>3165 >>3207 >>3224

>>3941255 Syria Update (pb)


Coalition Says Detected 10 Unidentified Strikes in East Syria


The US-led coalition said on Saturday in a statement that it had detected 10 non-coalition strikes in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor amid media reports that the coalition's air raids resulted in massive civilian casualties.


Earlier in the day, the SANA news agency reported that the coalition’s airstrikes had hit the al-Buqa village near the town of Hajin in the province of Deir ez-Zor leaving 40 civilians dead. Coalition’s spokesman Col. Sean Ryan told Sputnik that the coalition had conducted strikes in the area, which, however, had not resulted in any civilian casualties.


"CJTF-OIR [Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve] detected a total of ten additional strikes in the same area of Hajin that did not originate from the Coalition or partner forces. These strikes were neither coordinated with nor approved by CJTF-OIR. CJTF-OIR calls on all other actors to cease uncoordinated fires across the Euphrates," the statement said.


The coalition once again confirmed that it had carried out airstrikes in the province of Deir ez-Zor pointing out that its activities had not resulted in the deaths of civilians.


"CJTF-OIR conducted a total of 19 strikes in the Hajin area between the hours of 11:00 p.m. on Nov. 16 and 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 17 Eastern European Time [21:00 on November 16 — 14:30 on November 17 GMT]. These strikes were in support of ground operations against ISIS [Daesh] targets in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. CJTF-OIR validated these targets as legitimate ISIS targets and assessed them to be free of civilian presence at the time of the strikes. CJTF-OIR’s initial assessment following the strikes is that there was no evidence of civilians near the strikes," the statement added.


The US-led coalition of more than 70 members has been conducting military operations against Daesh terrorist group in Syria and Iraq since September 2014. The coalition’s activities in Syria are authorized neither by the Syrian government, nor by the UN Security Council.


NOTE: This is proof the cabal are truly failing, they now expect us to believe that "ten additional strikes in the same area of Hajin that did not originate from the Coalition or partner forces". so to recap they did 19 strikes in the same area during the same time frame while 10 unknown aircraft did 10 strikes but the latter were the ones who killed 40 civilians mainly women and children!

Anonymous ID: d1252e Nov. 17, 2018, 1:19 p.m. No.3942672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2689 >>2722

BREAKING: Police Arrest Far-Left Antifa Thugs After Violence Erupts at ‘We the People’ Rally in Philadelphia (VIDEOS)


Violence erupted at the ‘We the People’ rally in Philadelphia Saturday after hundreds of far-left Antifa thugs showed up to cause trouble.


A planned rally by conservative groups to show support for ICE and police officers was met with hundreds of black-clad, masked Antifa thugs on Saturday near the Independence Visitor Center on 5th and 6th streets.


According to reports, about 80 conservatives showed up to the rally compared to the hundreds of Antifa thugs who showed up to counter-protest (cause trouble).


According to the police commissioner, 4 people were arrested; one person punched a police captain.


Someone punched a police captain, reported NBC’s Matt DeLucia.


BREAKING:Police commissioner just told me there were 4 arrests. One person punched a police captain. One injured person put in van for safety, he says. Most of the crowd has dispersed.

Anonymous ID: d1252e Nov. 17, 2018, 1:23 p.m. No.3942711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2970

State Department Refutes Multiple Claims Made By The NYT Editorial Board On North Korea


The U.S. State Department has refuted multiple claims made in a New York Times editorial published on Tuesday about North Korea’s nuclear program.


The NYT editorial board’s article, “North Korean Nuclear Shell Game,” revolves around the U.S.’s relationship with North Korea and Kim Jong Un’s alleged continued nuclear aspirations. North Korea’s ambitions, according to the NYT, stand in stark contrast to President Donald Trump’s optimism about negotiations and his positive statements about Kim.


The piece goes on to explain how Trump and Kim allegedly had a misunderstanding as to what brought each of them to the negation table back in June, when the leaders issued a joint statement. (RELATED: Trump: North Korea Summit Is BACK ON)


The trouble is that Mr. Trump and Mr. Kim had totally opposite views of what the joint statement was supposed to mean. Mr. Trump apparently believed that American sanctions, plus his threats (“fire and fury”) and his irresistible persona, had driven Mr. Kim to abandon his nuclear aspirations. Mr. Kim apparently believed that approaching the capacity to strike the United States had compelled Mr. Trump to agree to lift sanctions in exchange for a gradual stand-down of the North’s program.


The U.S. State Department, however, disputes key assertions the NYT makes to back up its claim that relations between North Korea and U.S. are deteriorating.


State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert told The Daily Caller on Friday, “The New York Times editorial is misleading and contains numerous factual inaccuracies, some of which are contradicted by the paper’s own reporting.”


The NYT claims that nothing substantial has changed between the two countries because of North Korea’s build-up of nuclear capabilities.


A State Department official, however, pointed out to TheDC that North Korea freed three Korean American hostages and returned the remains of dozens of fallen U.S. soldiers after Trump’s face-to-face meeting with Kim Jong Un.


The NYT also claims that “Mr. Kim’s envoy skipped a scheduled meeting with Mr. Pompeo last week.”


However, the NYT article cited by the editorial board to bolster that claim reveals that the meeting was canceled and rescheduled an entire day before it was set to occur, making it impossible for it too have been “skipped.”


The editorial also originally stated that Trump’s envoy for North Korea, Stephen Biegun, has yet to meet a North Korean official since his appointment, which the State Department refuted.

Anonymous ID: d1252e Nov. 17, 2018, 1:29 p.m. No.3942782   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump Says Troops to Stay at Border ‘As Long as Necessary’


President Donald Trump said that troops would stay at the border “as long as necessary” as thousands of migrants poured into the Mexican border town of Tijuana, causing clashes with the locals there.


Speaking with reporters on Saturday morning before leaving to tour the California wildfire devastation, Trump said have built “great fencing, they built a very powerful fence.


“The fence is fully manned, nobody gets through,” he said. “When they’re caught, they’re not released.”


Trump ordered up to 15,000 troops to the border as up to 10,000 migrants spread across three caravans surged toward Tijuana, beginning to arrive there several days ago. Some 5,900 troops are currently deployed across California, Arizona, and Texas to provide support for Border Patrol agents.


Officials said that they were prepared for a large group of people rushing the fence, which has been discussed by some of the migrants.


“We do have who we need in place and just like always, we’re maintaining our border security. Anybody that is trying to unlawfully enter into the United States in between a port of entry—it’s illegal—so this is what we’re here for, this is what we’re doing. We’re protecting our border,” Tekae Michael, Border Patrol public affairs officer for the San Diego Sector, told the Epoch Times.


“Anybody coming to claim asylum into the United States—the legal way to do it is through a port of entry and presenting yourself and asking permission to come in. If you do choose to cross illegally in between a port of entry, you will be arrested and you will be prosecuted.”




Preparing further for hundreds or thousands of people illegally rushing into the United States, President Trump recently issued a proclamation making those who entered outside a port of entry ineligible for asylum.


In the proclamation, Trump noted that the migrants rejected an asylum offer from Mexico before traveling to the United States, and how most migrants claim a credible fear of persecution or torture but only a fraction of those who claim the fear ultimately qualify for asylum.


On Friday, Trump wondered why migrants heading to the United States seem to always be waving flags of the countries they’re fleeing from.


“If they have such fear and such problems, and they hate their countries, why do we see all the flags being waved?” he asked. “For Guatemala, for Honduras, for El Salvador … This has nothing to do with asylum, it has to do with getting into the country illegally.”


Possible Government Shutdown


President Trump has discussed negotiating with lawmakers to trade amnesty for some illegal aliens already in the United States for funding for a border wall.


Asked if he’d be okay with a government shutdown if he doesn’t get the funding, Trump said that this would be a good time, referring to how the lame-duck House of Representatives will change from Republican to Democrat control at the New Year.


“We’re talking about border wall, we’re talking about quite a big sum of money, about $5 billion. And I think probably if I was ever going to do a shutdown over border security—when you look at the caravan, when you look at the mess, when you look at the people coming in—this would be a very good time to do a shutdown,” he said.


“I don’t think it’s going to be necessary, because I think the Democrats will come to their senses, and if they don’t come to their senses, we will continue to win elections.”