Anonymous ID: 2579de Nov. 17, 2018, 6:33 p.m. No.3945735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5759 >>5764 >>5968

>>3945634 lb



This board is for research into Q's drops.

Results of digging are welcome.

Facts, reasoned theories with LOGICAL EXPLANATIONS.

Connections that could be used by other diggers.




Also, we are looking for criminals, NOT DETERMINING GUILT. Any trials will happen in a courtroom.

So we do not out anyone who may be working undercover setting up traps for criminals. Just the facts, no judgements.


We simply cannot know who is the biggest crook, who has most control, who ordered what. Many of the crooks are being blackmailed and standard practice is for DAs to make deals with people in that position. So we back off and let the DA do their job.

Anonymous ID: 2579de Nov. 17, 2018, 6:34 p.m. No.3945753   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Let's give Trump and his team credit

For creativity

And military ingenuity


To win a war,

You need both


and Tactics

Anonymous ID: 2579de Nov. 17, 2018, 6:39 p.m. No.3945806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5835



Melted aluminum is normal from a vehicle fire. The tires are rubber which is an accelerant, combined with the hot air from the fire storm, radiant heat from above as the car interior burns, and radiant heat from the sides are brush and grass burn nearby.


It all adds up.


The reason that you don't see melted aluminum that often is that it is rare for a car to burn without someone fighting it, and most car fires have people inside when it starts, and they leave the doors open when they run away. This ventilates and cools the fire because you don't get gases and smoke building up to cause a flashover which boosts the heat.

Anonymous ID: 2579de Nov. 17, 2018, 6:47 p.m. No.3945886   🗄️.is 🔗kun



P.S. I have another evil idea for arsonists. Make some thermite powder, go to a parking lot for an evening event because it will be empty of people. Choose a car with aluminum hubs, ID it so you can find it later, maybe a magnetic tracker. Let air out of the tires about halfway. Then refill with a portable battery operated air pump, using your own portable battery, that sucks in thermite powder along with the air. Drive out and wait to track the car.


When you know where it lives, wait a week or so. Come back early in the morning, and set it alight. Maybe 4 sterno cans underneath near each wheel. When the wheels ignite, the thermite will do its job and provide nice pools of melted aluminum.


Reflect on how society really does rely on most people have a strong sense of morals and ethics so that they don't do this kind of thing.


Imagine what life will be like when people learn how easy it is to make nuclear fission devices and blow up things for kicks. It's all just GEOMETRY, the G in the center of the Masonic symbol.

Anonymous ID: 2579de Nov. 17, 2018, 7:07 p.m. No.3946077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6211



You're not a threat. You are just STUPID

Most of us do not allow our computers to get infested with viruses.

There is software available to prevent that. Go to a major computer shop, tell them your problem, and follow their recommendations. It involves spending money, but in today's economy, you can afford it.


What did you say?


Can't afford it?


Then you don't belong here. Shut off the power on your computer and get a job.

Anonymous ID: 2579de Nov. 17, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.3946185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6231



There is NOTHING weird about these fires. What is weird is that so many ignorant people who know nothing about fires behavior or materials engineering think that their opinions count for something.


They do NOT!


You are all idiots chattering about stupid inane FEELINGS and you have no facts, no findings beyond an interesting theory that it MIGHT be related to PG&E shenanigans. So go sue them. I know what will happen. You will LOSE because you have NOT FACTS and NO LOGIC. You will be on the hook for ALL COURT COSTS even if it bankrupts you and makes your family homeless.


What is needed here is REAL investigation, and so far I have not seen any REAL investigators on here.


Before, we used to get people on this board who had done real work, digging and making connections and producing FACTS that convinced us all that the elite as Satanists, vampires, pedophiles and psychopaths. We have evidence of all of this even though it sounds CRAZY.


But you have no evidence, which means that you and your conspiracy theorist friends really are CRAZY. We, on the other hand have proof that the elite who rule the USA and much of Western Europe are actual vampires. Pedophile psychopaths who drink human blood, and sacrifice babies to Satan. We are NOT crazy but YOU are!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 2579de Nov. 17, 2018, 7:33 p.m. No.3946362   🗄️.is 🔗kun



California, like Portugal, is filled with a species of tree known as OAK. Most oak species have a thick corky bark that protects them during forest fires and prevents the fire from killing the tree, or travelling up into the canopy. In fact a common oak species in Portugal is actually called CORK and provides a material used to make wine bottle stoppers, and bulletin boards for thumbtacks to live on.


Google Portugal wildfire and you will see similar fires.

However, portuguese are not STUPID like the DUMB American assholes with their dumbed down education system who think it is OK to live in a Mediterranean climatic ecosystem in wooden houses. The Portuguese at least are smart enough to build houses with stone and concrete and thick clay tile roofs.


If you are in a position to rebuild in California, then use concrete and avoid any wood or flammable materials except for decorative use inside the house. This means lots of arches and unusual looking roofs that have NOT WOODEN TRUSSES in them. And it means digging an UNDERGROUND GARAGE for automobiles, and making it very auto unfriendly near the house, in case guests try to come visit in cars. Perhaps you did not realize that parking tanks of highly flammable petrochemicals beside your home is plain STOOPID.


And another thing. Why don't you have an underground panic room set up with its own oxygen supply to last a few hours? Did you think the fires won't come back?


USE LOGIC and use science and lots of people can live in California in safety.


By the way, check out the EMERGY rating of concrete compared to any other building material. If you don't understand Emergy then you are NOT and environmentalist and do NOT CARE about the environment.


Embodied Energy = EMERGY


And with steel plants producing slag again, you can build the new house out of even better concrete than in the past.


Trump has barely even started on rebuilding America's infrastructure. This is one element of it that could make California a leader in Making AMERICA Great Again