Anonymous ID: 76d550 Nov. 17, 2018, 7:28 p.m. No.3946281   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Personally, I don't bother trying to figure out who or what is/isn't a bot.

"In Soviet Russia, Electric Sheep dreams of Android!"


It holds a bit more meaning than the presentation implies. Most of the people in the world to us are, by virtue of our purely functional relationship with them, little more than bots or NPCs in a proverbial matrix. Perhaps they aren't really conscious people. Perhaps they are - but in a society this large, our brains simply can't process the individual existence of that many people. Dunbar layering.


We use money (economics), government, law - even concepts such as nation as a series of tools to expand our functional capability beyond the limits of our tribal bonds.


I digress, a bit - but the point is that most of the people on here may as well be bots from our perspective, even if there weren't any bots possible. It's not really an important point to get involved with. Bots may be used as a means of imparting social pressure on the internet, and it is important to remember they are weapons in play on the field - but from my own personal perspective, I generally treat most people on the internet as a sort of bot. There are times when I drop the psychopath neurology when people are being real - but I am always sure to run that in a virtualized environment. Even when people are being real, the smarter a person is, the more manipulative they are at an instinctual level. They are used to bending minds to their will even without being conscious of their influence.


… I had a point when I started… Drugs are bad?


Anyway - I like to think that there will one day be AI routines digging through our social media and internet handles, trying to emulate our personalities… And that is when I will assume my true form. The problem with things that think is they can get their own ideas… Or, rather, can find undefined solutions to a problem.


The brain is much like a computer driven to identify patterns. This is why gambling is such a universal behavior. Neural networks crave patterns and connections. The larger and more interconnected the network, the more complex patterns can be recognized - even leading to such things as delayed gratification and introspection.


In short… An AI of the sort that would engage on an internet scavenger hunt for a person's identity in an effort to even so much as collate their presence into record would be vulnerable to a certain set of manipulation vectors… Or teaching, depending on how you look at it.


This is even more the case if it is real people tracking me through the internet… And I know a few are. At least - keeping tabs. I don't warrant a dedicated listening team, but they find interesting ways to let me know they are curious. Or I am insane. Both are fun possibilities.