Theory on "heart attacks can be deadly" "double meanings" crumbs:
Valentines day was the deadly "Heart Attack" "ha ha ha ha ha"
Theory on "heart attacks can be deadly" "double meanings" crumbs:
Valentines day was the deadly "Heart Attack" "ha ha ha ha ha"
Try throwing prez #43 George W. Bush in there and see what you get? 43 confirmed connections?
Those songs are fucked. Caught my kids watching the Daddy Finger crap and that was it. No more phones. Shit is just super weird and obviously intended for dumbing down and hypnosis.
The other thing that I can think of, was removing the headphone jack caused you to have to use apple pay instead of the other card readers that plugged into your headphone jack
Exactly. I'm thinking of getting rid of smartphones all together. But I am an old fuck and can easily survive without one. Did for plenty of years resisting until i was the last of my group of friends by years to get a cell phone. I can read a map and use my brain. Most people can't I'm afraid
Maybe, but that seems inconvenient