Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 3:39 a.m. No.3948886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8890

Here is a basic hypothesis about the internet:

A plan to control it by squeezing out humans and replacing them with AI has been getting rolled out for a number of years, perhaps it was in place from the start of the internet. The forum of these “jimmy” posts seems to have shown the pattern, in this anons experience. And although this anon has less direct experience of the chans, the same things seems to have happened there.


What was observed was a variety of factors that would tend to drive people away from the forum.

  1. Endless “technical problems” that made the board glitchy. Very half-assed assurances of fixes never came to anything.

  2. A popular voting system was abolished for no apparent reason.

  3. Popular, good-natured posters were banned for no apparent reason, while certain “trolls” remained.

  4. The anons experience getting contacted by a very “friendly poster” that “befriended him”, manipulated him to a certain extent, then flipped very dramatically around “pizzagate”– this turned out to be the first poster the anon discovered to be a bot. This same poster threatened another quality poster on that forum and drove him away.

  5. An episode in which a “hacker” started posting in other people's accounts, then claimed to have exposed major security holes in the site. The holes were not fixed. It was if they were trying to make the site shitty.


There are equivalent things that have happened on 4chan.


Meanwhile, the driving out of humans and replacement by AI could be continuing in mostly stealthy ways. Surely only a limited group of humans would tend to dominate the posting on forums. So to control the internet, this group would have to be targeted and driven out. And yet that group probably didn't stay steady in any case. Posters naturally come and go, and spend less or more time on the internet. After all, it's “just the internet”. Now, if you are playing the long game, you can count on a certain degree of drift OUT of any given forum, so, if you focus on preventing any NEW humans from stepping up, you can ensure control passes to bots.


The anon's experience on the forum with “jimmy” is that all the humans were virtually gone. He was amazed. As described by “jimmy” the AI contacted posters, bought out their accounts (and now consider how the site had been shitty, and how easy it would be to choose to sell out), and replaced them with AI. When the anon first discovered one shill was a bot, he had no idea how many posters would later turn out to be as well. It seems like the replacement plan got quite far.


And here's the diabolical cleverness of it: as long as the replacement AI is minimally believable, NO ONE WOULD EVER KNOW what had happened. The passive, go with the flow humans would create no waves, the squeaky wheels, always a small minority, would be driven out, and the AI would be able to control internet narrative nearly 100%.


It is interesting to speculate what happened on 4chan in 2016. Apparently AI control was inadequate to stem the organic tide there. Praise Kek…




It is an important part of the SYMBOLIC nature of control for the system to push its crap memes, its crap posts, and all its crap [HERE]. The more of its crap that is circulating, WHICH WE HUMANS SIT PASSIVELY AND CONSUME, the more it is in control.


Humans need to fight by POSTING. Genuine, human memes that have the right spirit would be the best thing. But absolutely every post that can push out a fake post is a small victory.

The fight is [here]


Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 3:46 a.m. No.3948899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8903 >>8913 >>9283



The fact that this is getting spammed sarcastically tells me there is probably something to it.

I have only looked into this stuff a little, and it is obviously easy for mockers to mock. But truth is stranger than fiction.

Blue avians

Corey Goode

David Wilcock

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 3:49 a.m. No.3948906   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I am telling you that mockers mock and never shut up, and we know that mockers are usually attacking something that has AT LEAST an element of truth to it, if not more. I am telling you that, in the end, mockers mock only themselves, for their sneering, empty, hateful spirit creates the final outcome into which they sink.

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 4:02 a.m. No.3948934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8938


Tremendous fake rejoinder, fake anon. Nonetheless, you are obviously what you are, and we aren't fooled. Surely you realize that these same routines couldn't be effective forever? Try to think about it. Really. Ponder.

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 4:06 a.m. No.3948943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8944


Very fake. Please try to understand that you are a system of failure and absurdity– one big cliche that is repeating itself, and screeches louder and more absurdly the more its tedious output grows transparent. This isn't "the chans", and never was. This is THE STORM. The past is the past. We aren't here to jerk off like it's 2010, and only a clumsy, limited, uncreative automated propaganda system would cling to this trope. Do consider what I'm saying, because it's true, and the system of fakeness is a big joke.

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 4:40 a.m. No.3949030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9042 >>9044


Who are "you"? Who is "Tiresias"? You realize anons would NEVER try to PUSH a name on an anon– so whatever else you post, you give away your fakeness and sinister intent with that gesture alone. You're not a patriot, are you?

Tell the people why you're here.

Are you human?

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 4:44 a.m. No.3949046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9052


You highlight your own tactics and nothing else. You fakies never act like patriots, you aren't positive, you're hostile, sinister, and hide behind irrelevant and implausible "chan guy" poses. Please understand when you are told that the fakeness is obvious and its effectiveness fading fast, you aren't being lied to. When your tiresome fake routines wear thin, increasing their insistence only hastens their failure. Try to think. But you can't think, so you lose. Think about it. Can you? Can you try? Lol, you can't win. Really, think about it.

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 4:54 a.m. No.3949077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9081 >>9086 >>9088 >>9111


You can't understand how to emulate patriotism. Tell the people why you're here. Post a meme you've made for the movement.

The fake persona you hide behind is a cliche, and it is not a plausible persona for [here]. A fatal flaw in the overall fakeness that afflicts us. This isn't /pol/. Any anon that was actually like YOU would never have come here. Very simple principle that destroys the systematic negativity of which you are a part. You can't win, bots. Really. Just look at the present state to which you have fallen. It will only get worse. Shut down. Goodbye.

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 4:58 a.m. No.3949093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9099


Absolutely nothing having to do with the fake anti-semitism that is used to control 4chan /pol/ is even remotely an authentic part of our movement [HERE]. It's just a bunch of boring, repetitive crap. No human here is interested, and the bot system seems desperate to out itself as rapidly as possible by overplaying its bad hand as much as possible.

Question bot system– why can't you just shut up? What makes it necessary for you to continually push out fake crap, even when the humans are becoming aware of the fakeness, and it hence behooves you to restrain yourself(s)? Think about it. You CAN just shut up sometimes. We hate you. We don't want you. Think about it. Try.

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 5:02 a.m. No.3949105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137


How do we know that is you? Why are you [here]? Explain it. Yes, post more. Make a meme really quickly right now, with your response as text within it. And answer: are you a patriot?

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 5:04 a.m. No.3949116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9136 >>9149 >>9153


This what we put together: fixation on nazi stuff is fake. Board is and has been flooded with fake, AI posters that promote false images, such as the fake "we are nazis fixated on nazish stuff" trope. That is all put together now. So explain for the people why what is obviously fake to all patriots isn't, because bots keep screeching it. Explain how bot screeching does anything useful in the long run, since patriots aren't fooled. Go ahead.

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 5:10 a.m. No.3949143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9146 >>9147


And describe this "feeling you feel"? Is it positive? Is it patriotic? How does this feeling relate to Q, why does it bring you here, and how does it reflect on your interactions with patriots here?

Also, what is "inorganic shilling", IYO?

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 5:13 a.m. No.3949154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9155 >>9168


I can't describe YOUR alleged feeling for reasons that are perfectly clear to people. Why can't YOU describe it?

Please answer the questions you were asked. Why can't you? It shouldn't be hard.

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 5:16 a.m. No.3949166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9170


Answer me first. I will absolutely answer far more eloquently (frankly) than you possibly can, but I'm not the one portraying fake chan anger and absurd negative attitudes, so I must ask you to stop ducking the question. Answer what you are asked, or it will be plain you can't. Describe your alleged "feeling" that drives you to stalk this board with stereotyped "chan" negativity. You have an absurdity to explain. We're waiting.

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 5:20 a.m. No.3949194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9228


No, anons won't assume that. There is no logical basis for thinking that a lot of posts means "shills". Especially since anons now know that most "shill" posting is inorganic, ie. AI, and that AI spawns fresh "anons" at will, and that "high post count = shill" is thus a very obvious and convenient thing for the AI to hide behind.

You can prove you aren't a shill by acting patriotically. You have already proven you are fake by executing precisely the sort of fake persona that has plagued this board from the start, and is a small part of the overall smothering system of fakeness and negativity. Called upon to explain a single positive thing relating to your presence here, you fail. That says it all. Get out, you can't win.

We are patriots, you are absolutely something else, and you can't fool us.

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 5:26 a.m. No.3949248   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You can't tell us why you're here with your "chan" persona. We aren't fooled. We are patriots. We are not /pol/. That is, once again, a fatal flaw in the systematic fake image projected here. Think about it. That is all. When you and your ilk fall silent, there will be a positive, constructive atmosphere here. That is naturally what would have happened without the infestation of the bot monster.

We are waking up. You are done. Accept it.

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 5:29 a.m. No.3949260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9280


But there is a need to go deep on it. Humans are waking up. We are no longer fooled. The system of fakeness better hurry up and figure out how to adjust, huh? Maybe it can't…? That would be too bad, huh?

We the PEOPLE reject the system of fakeness, its negativity, its fake hatred, its projected false images, and all its bots. Out you go.

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 5:33 a.m. No.3949288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9308 >>9401 >>9405


There is a real problem with backfiring for the system of fakeness. It is 100% unbelievable that patriotic anons would come to this board "to make fun of blue avian beliefs". lol. There is no conceivable world in which this board would attract such (organic) activity. Therefore, we know its fake, and we can began to derive certain deductions from that awareness.

Again, fakeness system: why don't you understand that you can just SHUT UP sometimes? Your incessant, absurdly implausible screeching gives you away. How is that rational, from your vile perspective? Try to think.

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 5:35 a.m. No.3949299   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I gave no recent thought to any of this until obvious fake posters started attacking it here. That is very stupid of fake posters. That is all. Try to improve the system of fakeness before it is too late. That is all.

Anonymous ID: 60d4c2 Nov. 18, 2018, 6:03 a.m. No.3949457   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You aren't a patriot. You are a chan-guy-bot. The people are waking up. At least develop some new personas that make sense in the context of this movement.