Anonymous ID: 6be3f3 Nov. 18, 2018, 2:42 a.m. No.3948759   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8761 >>8780 >>8961 >>9419

Don Henley raped Kevin McCarthy's wife when she was 15?

Here is a blind item filled in


Set the DeLorean time machine back to November 21, 1980.


don henley was coming to the end of his legendary run with a group. They had made tons of money, and would go on to make more and more. But the fame, money, and adoration was not enough for this rocker. Fueled by drugs and unquenchable appetites, his disgusting lifestyle (and the victims left in his wake) was horrible in its day, and would land him in prison if he did it today.


don henley had developed many nasty habits and lifestyle choices that made Roman Polanski look normal. But the Rocker was always protected. His past girlfriend linda ronstadt was always there to support him, as was her then-boyfriend jerry brown. Both were always at the forefront of Feminist causes, and possibly the most powerful couple on the California or even national scene. It also helped to have the most powerful people in show business to protect you too. His manager irving azoff who had lawyers, media contacts, and investigators on speed-dial. Also david geffen who, although they had a love-hate relationship that would eventually turn to all hate, was glad to protect his money machine. Even when they would later sue each other for millions, they came together for political events. Thus, the Rocker never really cared about consequences.


That November, holed up in his California mansion a week before Thanksgiving, don henley made his usual call to Elizabeth Adams, the notorious โ€œBeverly Hills Madam and he requested "the usual" for dinner. The usual for him meant young girls and he had done this many times both at home and on the road. He made Jimmy Page look like a gentleman. The Madam routinely searched for new talent at bus stops and runaway shelters. She had just found a new 16 year-old girl who looked young and liked to party. She was also very desperate and very scared. When the Madam made the offer to her for a night's work, it seemed safe enough with such a huge star. The Madam promised no sex involved, that don henley just liked to hang out and smoke dope and drink. Still, the Runaway asked if she could bring a friend. And yes, the Madam sent two underage girls to the don henleys palace that night. The "friend" accompanying the 16 year-old runaway was another homeless girl, who had just turned 15 years-old that week Judy Wages (McCarthy). She had just run away from a violently abusive home, and was still a virgin. The Madam got to double bill the Rocker for that visit.

Anonymous ID: 6be3f3 Nov. 18, 2018, 2:43 a.m. No.3948761   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8764 >>8961 >>9419




On arrival, the girls were fed cocaine to get them excited, and Quaaludes to keep them calm. They smoked a lot of pot, and after a dip in the Jacuzzi with the rocker, they all three headed to the bedroom. The entire time don henley kept asking the girls to do things to each other, which neither had done before. They figured maybe if they did each other โ€“ he wouldn't do them. They were hesitant and scared, and don henley got more and more violent. He kept taking Polaroid pictures of them all, doing everything, which embarrassed the girls. The 16 y.o. asked to leave. don henley told them they couldn't because they'd be arrested and it was too late to call a cab. He pushed more and more drugs on them both.


After the 15 year-old Judy Wages (McCarthy) passed out, don henley began raping her. Then he began raping the 16 year-old. When the younger girl woke up, she was scared to death, and saw her friend was having convulsions. don henley was ignoring her, yelling on the phone, talking to irving azoff. Then the Paramedics arrived. They walked into a scene they described as "Sodom and Gomorrah" with drugs, vomit, and booze everywhere. Both underage girls were totally naked, although the younger of the two began trying to dress.


The Paramedics did CPR on the girl as she was unresponsive, then she went back into seizures. The 15 year-old Judy Wages (McCarthy) said it was like a nightmare, and she tried to sneak away out of the room. The whole time, don henley was freaking out, talking to people on the phone, until guys in suits showed up. They threatened the Paramedics to stay silent. The men in suits told the younger runaway they would "take care of her" and stay with them. The older runaway was put in an ambulance, and the younger one begged Paramedics to take her too. When one of the Suits tried to interfere, a Paramedic shoved him and threatened to kick his ass. Off to the hospital they went. don henley, his manager, and the other men in suits stayed behind.


What none of them knew at the time, was that the 15 year-old Judy Wages (McCarthy) had managed to grab several of the Polaroids and stuff them into her clothes. At the time, she was petrified of the cops or her parents finding out, and the proof of her activity was all there in those Polaroids. So she grabbed them when the others were distracted, to destroy them later.


At the hospital, the older girl was given medication to save her. Uniformed cops arrived, and took statements from both girls. Hours later, one of the men in suits also showed up, with a bus ticket and envelope of cash for the 15 year-old Judy Wages (McCarthy). They told her to leave town and not testify or talk to anyone, or else she'd be arrested โ€“ or worse. She left town that day. irving azoff and david geffen wound up spending a lot of cash that Thanksgiving. To lawyers, to pay off cops, Paramedics, and even a judge. Several reporters were paid thousands to kill the story.

Anonymous ID: 6be3f3 Nov. 18, 2018, 2:44 a.m. No.3948764   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8767 >>8961 >>9419



Since so many people knew about it, the cops had little choice but to do something. So they handed the case over to a Detective who was a friend of theirs, an elite golden boy in LAPD mike brambles. He was friends with the Madam too, and became head of the LAPD "Sexually Exploited Child Unit" in Vice. Mostly his time was spent taking bribes from executives and covering up cases.


The Detective mike brambles made sure the case got downgraded and the evidence was lost. With the Judge's help, the entire nightmare for don henley wound up far different than that of Roman Polanski years before. So it was then that don henley was convicted of "Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor", given a $2,500 fine, and put on probation. No mention of rape, soliciting, or abuse of the girls. No word on what happened to the 22 GRAMS of cocaine, 5 oz. of marijuana or 160 Quaaludes found in don henleys bedroom strewn all over the bed. It was booked into evidence, but later became worthless as evidence.


The 16 year-old runaway got out of the hospital, and was found dead near the 101 freeway a year later. Allegedly an overdose. Friends of hers and workers at a local shelter said she'd cleaned up, gone straight, and was trying to turn her life around. Her death was ruled an accidental overdose. Many never believed it.


One news anchor who didn't believe it was christine lund the one who didn't get bribed. christine lund didn't like what was happening, and didn't like the corruption, or the rape and drugging of young girls. So she went public, running her stories. She got pushback from bosses, owners, and even fans of don henley. christine lund was hounded from her job several years later. Her attempt to uncover the truth in the case gave way to don henley feeling like HE was the victim. Like HE was the one being maligned and unfairly punished. Yeah, like HE was the victim.


Since don henley split from the band, his new solo career was taking off. don henley turned HIS "hurt feelings" into a song, Dirty Laundry which became a global hit. Sure, he said it was about the media coverage of natalie woods and others, but he later admitted it was about his "unfair" abuse at the hands of a "mean" reporterchristine lund, A song that was spawned by his abuse, rape, and drugging of two children who nearly died due to his perversions.


don henley spent much of the next 20 years rehabilitating his image, becoming a big political supporter and environmental activist. Became big pals with two big politicians, bill & hillary clinton whom he met at events at david geffens house. He played fundraisers for them both. He never was asked again in the media about that November, and it faded away mostly. Funny enough? You can still find it online, and yet nobody compares him to Polanski or these other monsters. Meanwhile, he became filthy rich, as did his powerful manager irving azoff, and the powerful record label executive david geffen. Their images all bought and paid for.

Anonymous ID: 6be3f3 Nov. 18, 2018, 2:44 a.m. No.3948767   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8783 >>8961 >>9419



What they didn't know, however, and still don't know โ€“ is what became of the other girl. That 15 year-old runaway, who took the bus ticket, cash, and blew town. She too turned her life around, got straight, and found good people up in northern California to take her in. She went to college, found a nice man Kevin McCarthy, had a family and settled down. That nice man she married Kevin McCarthy would go on to a nice career in politics. And with his wife's support, he's become one of the most powerful men in California politics. Now, all the years later, that scared runaway girl has grown into a confident, fearless, brilliant woman. Judy McCarthys spent the past few years (urged on by her husband and kids) putting her story and the case meticulously back together. Piece by piece. Legally.


In 2018 she's going to drop a bomb of a "reveal" on the Rocker, the Manager, and the ex-label executive. She's prepared a criminal charge against them for many of their misdeeds (which include racketeering and collusion and criminal conspiracy), and is also hitting them with civil charges โ€“ with any funds being set aside for childhood victims. Because, you see, those Polaroids she swiped that night? She blew town with them. Years later she found them and put them in a safe deposit box. She now has many copies, including in her attorney's safe. They too will be revealed in her case, along with hospital records, court records, legal affidavits from old cops and Paramedics. There's even a video deposition from the original Madam back from before her death. And the former golden boy detective? He was later caught for his many, many misdeeds and arrested. And he talked too.

Anonymous ID: 6be3f3 Nov. 18, 2018, 3 a.m. No.3948800   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8812 >>8961 >>9419


>Elizabeth Dibble

Fox News-Jul 2, 2018


Nunes wants 10 officials who served during Obama administration to testify on Russia probe


Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., asked the Oversight and Judiciary Committees to take steps to interview former State Department officials Elizabeth Dibble, Jonathan Finer, Kathleen Kavalec, Lewis Lukens, Victoria Nuland, Thomas Williams and Jonathan Winer, as well as former Obama White House officials Jake Sullivan, Colin Kahl and Shailagh Murray.


Dibble is the former deputy chief of mission at the U.S. embassy in London, a city where other figures in the Russia investigation were operating.