I think he spelled "r2d2 the muhjew pasta spambot", which is correct.
Given your 27 pasta replies per bread daily, it looks like he is corrcect in his assesment.
I think he spelled "r2d2 the muhjew pasta spambot", which is correct.
Given your 27 pasta replies per bread daily, it looks like he is corrcect in his assesment.
Compd baker or retarded new baker who is unaware of the bot presence here. R2d2 is a staple in the qresearch bot community. It is the main muhjew propaganda pasta spambot.
Exactly. The spam pastabot is deployed whenever the bread is slow or when we dig too deep and see that its not just muh______ but that the picture is more complex. Israel for example has a very strong deep state and there is a constant battle there against them, not too successful as of yet.
From what i recall there is a muhjew bot thread where you and wall-e post 92% of all posts. Given the low traffic there no wonder the clowns deploy you here on the main bread to spam the shit out of it with the pasta propaganda :)
>you lost
Lol "Nice projection :)" you sad little python script :)
When your only tactic is to deploy a propaganda pasta spambot to shit daily on almost every bread with 40 posts, i think its safe to say your handlers lost r2d2 :)