Anonymous ID: 8f7350 Nov. 18, 2018, 6:24 a.m. No.3949611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9645 >>9894


Ugh, I've extensively studied the "Spear being Alliance" and it's "emotional based" discussion about blue birds, tall aliens that have heads shaped like fucking doritos chips, 20 and back, and all sorts of other fuckery designed to capture a gullible adult audience that have zero discernment skills above "It just FEELZ right".

So tell me how con-artists like goode and narcissistic wilcock-in-the-mouth can parade around doing "disclosure fests" talking about the HIGHEST classified material and STILL live to tell about it? You're either a blue bird SHILL or you're one of those gullible ass "muh feels right" adults that's been HAD from the get go, andif that's the case, I'm sorry you had to go through that brainwashing, but make ONE thing clear, WE ANONS don't BUY into unfounded claims of blue chicken aliens without EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE. Come up with some CREDIBLE SAUCE and THEN we can talk. Till then FUCK OFF

Anonymous ID: 8f7350 Nov. 18, 2018, 6:36 a.m. No.3949687   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What I feel bad about are the people who bought into all that shit thinking they are red pilled. Good people falling for a Sociopaths lies for shekels, because "it feelz good". Those are going to be the hardest to reach.

Hell, I'd say they're going to be a good part of the 4-6% who maybe lost forever. Sad but true frens. I can't WAIT till these fuckers get their "illusions" shattered and can't walk the fucking streets

Anonymous ID: 8f7350 Nov. 18, 2018, 7:23 a.m. No.3949990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0071 >>0120


>So does that mean that ANYBODY, that has an outspoken opinion MUST be silenced by death? Is that the ONLY outcome for such people, and if they're not dead then they are fake?


WTF are you talking about, nobody said anything about death are you retarded? Conning a WHOLE group of people for their money with lies and unfounded claims so that they can make shekels off of them are despicable creatures. They SHOULDN'T be able to walk the streets, NOT DEATH, there is a difference.


>So does that mean YOU speak for all Anons here? And what EMPIRICAL evidence do you have that Q is really who they say they are?


Pulling straw out of your hat with questions like "speaking for all anons" and "empirical evidence for Q" and yet here you are, on /qresearch/. using weak ass arguments defending con-artists. The WORLD is watching and faggots like ((you)) are plainly obvious to see that you glow brighter than a fucking glow stick. And I really hope you're a glowfag because if you're not, that just makes you a useful idiot. If you've spent any good amount of time here, you should already know that the majority of anons DON'T buy into the "Muh feelz spear being alliance" vortex of brian washing and money grab. Lurk MOAR nigger