Anonymous ID: b33639 Nov. 18, 2018, 7:19 a.m. No.3949961   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NPC = MOB, +1 shifted

HAL = IBM, +1

Q = R


53-47 = 6

3:02 2nd threat

6*3.2= 1812

War of 1812

2nd War VS Royal Crown


Red+Blue = Purple

Purple = Royalty

Republicans and Democrats serve the Royal Crown


Columbia University

District of Columbia




Etc = British Columbia


We either lost the Revolution or we cut a deal with the French?

We lost the war of 1812 to the Crown?

We are at war with the Royal Family worldwide?

Castle Runs Red? Royals equal Roth's?


Paysour was French

Family no longer exists? Bloodline lost?

Speculate, exterminated in 1812?

Royals confiscate assets, majority stake in US?

Stolen Valor?

Wage wars, American Civil War, World Wars

Establish Fed Reserve, we trade gold for paper

Fed Reserve = Bank of England?

Gold Confiscated Act 1933

Fort Knox built to hold gold, Crown Jewels

Congress has no authority to audit?

Fort Knox belongs to Royal Family, Bank of England?


Two major Nations left to conquer for global domination. Russia and China


USA used as a cover, an umbrella, for the Royal Family to hide under and force nations to war with each other for the wealth of the Crown.


Last elected President without shenanigans? JFK?

Did Donald Trump sign over the control of the US to our Military in order to fight covertly to defeat the Shadow Government? Yes.


POTUS says the deadline has passed for the recounts, results revert back to election day results.


Last President to win fair election? JFK? Did he finish his term? No. Revert back to last fairly elected? Who knows?