Anonymous ID: 3a85aa Nov. 18, 2018, 8:01 a.m. No.3950279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0658

>>3950071 (lb)


If you want to stick up for a lie people WILL be torn apart by, sticking up for an obvious like, calling it an "opinion" is all on you. Attacking me with ad hominems like it changes the fact that IT'S a LIE people are buying into tell me it hit you where it hurts. In the end, it really doesn't matter because TRUTH WILL come to light.

Why is the "blue chicken" shit being defended against so much? Defending a man that tried to TRADEMARK "disclosure", a man that all of a sudden doesn't get any "intel drops" ever since Q drops started gaining real traction amongst its core audience, while PRETENDING to be part of Q VIA "muh ALLIANCE" when Q doe not speak of any "alliance" not ONCE in ANY of Q's drops. Hearing hime speak of Q in his videos tells me he truely has NO fucking clue what Q REALLY is about when he speaks of Q, and it's obvious.


What I'M sick of is FAGGOTS like wilcock-in-the-ass, Corey Goode, and others in there cirlce jerking people around with LIES AND making a profit off of it.


Information should flow FREELY, not be behind some fucking paywall, that's what fucking SCUMBAGS do.


Blue chickens, corey and his 20 and back, wilcock-suckers FAILED predictions, the subversive BRAINWASHING, PROVE me that its wrong. Or attack me. It all speaks for it's self. You'd have to be GULLIBLE to fall for all of that unproven garbage that's just FACTS.