Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 9:29 a.m. No.3951042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1357 >>1635

Theresa May Warns Brexit Could Be "Delayed Or Frustrated" As Draft Deal Faces Overwhelming Opposition


Facing a "critical week" that will include a meeting with EU bureaucrats in Brussels and culminate with a weekend summit to iron out the final details of May's draft Brexit plan, as well as an accompanying political statement, Theresa May is resorting to threats and scare tactics to drum up support for her supremely unpopular draft Brexit plan, which she insists is the "best deal possible" and "in the national interest" despite many salient criticisms expressed by Brexiteers and remainers alike.


In an interview with Sky News on Sunday that featured May facing off with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, the prime minister claimed that some of the concerns raised by opponents of the deal could be addressed with alternations to the accompanying political statement, a nonbinding agreement that is intended to create a 'framework' for the future trading relationship between the two sides.


And if this isn't enough, well, MPs would be better off if they swallowed their doubts and trusted the process - at least, if they want Brexit to succeed. Because provoking a leadership change at this point would likely jeopardize the UK's ability to reach any deal with the EU. And faced with the possibility of a "no-deal" Brexit, it's likely that MPs would vote for a second referendum to would raise the possibility of Brexit being scrapped altogether.


"These next seven days are going to be critical, they are about the future of this country," May told Sky News. "I am not going to be distracted from the important job."


"A change of leadership at this point isn’t going to make the negotiations any easier…what it will do is mean that there is a risk that actually we delay the negotiations and that is a risk that Brexit gets delayed or frustrated."


May's suggestion that Brexit could still be cancelled comes as Scottish leader Nicola Sturgeon said her MPs would vote against the draft plan, while a poll of 505 Tory MPs found that more were against the deal than for it. This would add to the unanimous opposition from the DUP (the Northern Irish party propping up May's government) and almost guarantee that the deal would lose by a staggering margin, given that most Labour MPs would also be expected to vote against.

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 9:32 a.m. No.3951073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1086 >>1357 >>1635

Ocasio Cortez Launches Far Left “Justice Democrats” – Calls for Overthrow of Incumbent Democrats


Rep-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined a conference call for the newly formed “Justice Democrats” on Saturday.

The radical far left group called on supporters to start planning their campaigns against incumbent Democrats.


The Hill reported:


Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), implored more than 700 attendees of a Justice Democrats strategy call to run for office against incumbent Democrats as well as Republicans in their home districts.


During the video call with supporters Saturday evening, Ocasio-Cortez remarked that her own journey to the House began on the other end of a Justice Democrats strategy call while calling on supporters to mount similar bids in their own districts around the country.


“Long story short, I need you to run for office,” she said on the call. “All I’m asking you to do is throw your hat in the ring, say ‘what the heck.’ ”


Ocasio-Cortez was elected Tuesday after running a successful primary against Rep. Joe Crowley, who was House Democratic Caucus Chairman.


The incoming freshman Democrat added that she and other members of the Justice Democrats, a group of progressive Democrats seeking to shift the Democratic Party left, would support challenges to incumbent Democrats they view as insufficiently aligned with the views of progressives in the party, particularly on the issue of corporate campaign donations.


Commie muzzies what could go wrong?

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 9:34 a.m. No.3951091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1098 >>1108 >>1172 >>1649

Stacey Abrams Accuses GOP Governor-Elect Kemp of “Compromising Our System” and Rigging Election After She Loses by 54,000 Votes


Far left Democrat Stacey Abrams is outraged Democrats were not able to steal the Georgia governor’s election for her.


Abrams, a far left radical in favor of reparation payments, told Jake Tapper on CNN that governor-elect Brian Kemp “compromised our system” in Georgia.


Democrats discovered announced last SATURDAY, five days after the midterm election, that a handful of Georgia counties have suddenly discovered THOUSANDS of new votes that need to be counted. The Georgia Democrats say the new stash included absentee, early and election day votes.


Despite the after election attempts to steal the election Republican Brian Kemp was declared the winner on Saturday.


On Sunday Abrams is accusing Republicans of cheating because she lost.


Stacey Abrams Accuses GOP Governor-Elect Kemp of “Compromising Our System” and Rigging Election After She Loses by 54,000 Votes

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft November 18, 2018 161 Comments


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Far left Democrat Stacey Abrams is outraged Democrats were not able to steal the Georgia governor’s election for her.


Abrams, a far left radical in favor of reparation payments, told Jake Tapper on CNN that governor-elect Brian Kemp “compromised our system” in Georgia.


Democrats discovered announced last SATURDAY, five days after the midterm election, that a handful of Georgia counties have suddenly discovered THOUSANDS of new votes that need to be counted. The Georgia Democrats say the new stash included absentee, early and election day votes.


Despite the after election attempts to steal the election Republican Brian Kemp was declared the winner on Saturday.


On Sunday Abrams is accusing Republicans of cheating because she lost.


And Tapper did not push back at all.

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 9:44 a.m. No.3951185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1357 >>1635



Zero reporting on these atrocities for years by MSM now the blame being placed solely on the US.


Life in fear: Report says 1 in 3 US drone-strike deaths in Yemen are civilians, including children


Bombings by the Saudi-led coalition may have devastated Yemen, but the country faces another deadly threat in the sky – US drones. A third of those killed by them in 2018 were civilians, including children, according to a report.


"We live in fear. Drones don't leave the sky," said one farmer, describing the day that two of his relatives were killed in a US drone strike. His is one of several testimonies recorded in a new report by Associated Press documenting the rising civilian death toll caused by the US drone war against Al-Qaeda's Yemeni franchise.


While gathering an official toll of civilian deaths caused by US drone strikes is difficult – due to the inability to confirm identities or allegiances – estimates by AP show that a third of those killed so far in 2018, or some 30 people, were not members of the terrorist group. Some 215 civilians were killed by drones since the campaign started in 2002, according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.


Some drone strikes kill several people in one family, as happened in January 2018 when a car full of civilians looking for a lost boy was struck by a US drone. Seven were killed in the strike, including five of the boy's family.


In an interview with RT, Saleh Farag, the boy's uncle, displayed pictures of the charred vehicle, and said: "It was a drone missile that killed them."


Another incident documented by AP and confirmed by local human rights activists recounted how a 14-year-old shepherd and a passing construction worker were killed in a drone strike. The area where they were killed was several miles from where Al-Qaeda had previously attempted to seize a checkpoint.


UNICEF, USAID, OXFAM and other charities are the ones along with DYNCORP running the human trafficking operations, they are now SCREAMING the loudest

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 9:46 a.m. No.3951202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1258 >>1411 >>1520

Maria Bartiromo: The Media Has Been Loudspeaker for Russian Collusion When There Wasn’t Any


Rep. Devin Nunes joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures on FOX News to discuss the incoming Democrat majority Congress and what that means to the ongoing investigation on the Obama regime’s spying on the Trump campaign in the 2016 presidential election.


Bartiromo accused the liberal media of fooling millions of Americans with their Russian collusion lies.


Rep. Devin Nunes: You just don’t get away with two years repeating the same garbage over and over again, essentially chasing Russian ghosts in the closet, infuriating the American people. There’s so many Americans out there whose minds have been poisoned, who believe that the Trump campaign actually did collude with Russians because they have dishonest politicians saying such…


Maria Bartiromo: Well let’s not forget the media driving the bus on that. Because the media has also been the loud speaker for this idea of collusion when there wasn’t any.


The liberal media has been running the largest and most dishonest media hoax on Americans in US history with the Russian-Collusion fantasy.

Don’t ever forget about the dishonesty and lies of the liberal media.

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 9:52 a.m. No.3951253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1281

Whistleblower teacher says 17 students in British school are changing genders, some were ‘tricked’



Seventeen students at a British school are changing their genders and most of them who are undergoing the process are autistic, according to a teacher there, the Daily Mail reported.

What is going on?


The teacher, a 20-year veteran who asked to not be identified for fear of losing her job, told the news outlet she spoke out to help protect students. She said she believes schools and some politicians are peddling a politically-correct “fallacy” driven by “ a powerful transgender lobby.”


To conceal her identity, the news outlet simply called the teacher “Carol.”


The teacher also said:


She was told to keep parents and other teachers in the dark if a pupil claimed to be transgender.

Older students who have changed gender are grooming younger ones to do the same.

An autistic teenager is scheduled to have a double mastectomy to become the opposite sex.


She said many of the children believe they are the wrong sex because it helps them cope with problems caused by autism. Only a few of them have gender dysphoria a medical term used to describe someone who believes they were born “in the wrong body.”


Earlier in the year, the Daily Mail reported that one-third of children referred to the National Health Service in England had ‘moderate to severe autistic traits’. In all, “150 autistic teenagers were given puberty blocker drugs which stop the body maturing.”


After hearing the comments, conservative Member of Parliament David Davies told the news outlet:


“I congratulate this teacher for coming out and telling us what I have long suspected has been going on in schools. It is horrendous that children are being encouraged by other pupils to identify as transgender, particularly if they have autism. Parents are not told about this and there is no way of challenging these pupils who are convinced by others that they have a problem they almost certainly do not have. Tragically the end result could be irreversible surgical procedures. This is scandalous.”


Regarding the student who is set to undergo a mastectomy, Carol said the child was diagnosed as autistic at age 14 and “certainly was not transgender. She had other complicated mental health problems. It is a tragedy her claim was accepted so readily. Now she is going to mutilate her body.”


The school, Carol reportedly said, went out of its way to accommodate the student. A meeting was held with the child’s parents and they agreed to a name-change that was more gender-neutral.


That was back in 2014, long before transgender issues were placed in the spotlight, she added.

What about pronouns?


Teachers have also been required to address transgender students by using both male and female pronouns depending on the student’s whim, she said.


“The pronouns could change from hour to hour depending how the student was feeling,” Carol told the news outlet.


Carol stressed that she does not believe most of the students are truly transgender.


“I don’t believe they are actually transgender,” she said. “They are just young people with complex mental health issues who have found an identity and want to be part of a group of like-minded people.”

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 9:54 a.m. No.3951266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1283 >>1357 >>1635

Fox’s Chris Wallace tells President Trump ‘We’re in Solidarity’ with CNN, NYT


Chris Wallace spoke with President Donald Trump for FOX News Sunday, in a pre-recorded and in-depth interview that aired this morning, and the two discussed the issue of press freedom and Trump’s attacks on the media.


Wallace, in the clip below, put on screen and read aloud the president’s infamous “enemy of the people” tweet from last year. “I want to quote it accurately,” said Wallace, “’The fake news media is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American people.’”


“That’s true, 100 percent,” began Trump. “Not the media. I’m glad you’re finally quoting it correctly because they like to leave the fake news out.”


Trump said, as he as before, that he was referring specifically to news that is “fake” and not the media in general. Wallace objected that many prior presidents have taken issue with the press being unfair but have never labeled them an “enemy of the people.”


“Chris, I’m calling the fake news is the enemy — it’s fake, it’s phony,” Trump said again.


The President then brought up the issue from last week when he did not visit the veteran’s cemetery in France on the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, on Veterans Day. He said that the Secret Service wouldn’t allow it and that the press wasn’t reporting that.


“Not one paper that I saw wrote it that way,” he said. “They said I stayed out of it because of the rain.”


Wallace objected again, saying “But, sir leaders in authoritarian countries like Russia, China, Venezuela, now repress the media using your words.”


The two went back and forth for some time on the issue. Eventually President Trump separated out Chris Wallace and, presumably, Fox News, as not being part of the “enemy” fake news.


“Most of it is bias, most of it is bias,” said Trump of the media’s coverage of his presidency, after Wallace had agreed that “some” was bias.


“I don’t know, but the idea that you call us the enemy of the people–” Wallace began.


“I’m not calling you that,” Trump interjected.


“We’re all together,” said Wallace.


“I’m not calling you – you don’t understand it,” Trump continued.


Again, in crosstalk, Wallace said “we’re all together.”


“No, no, no, I’m not calling you –” Trump further continued.


“It doesn’t matter whether you call– but when you call CNN and the New York Times and –- we, we’re in solidarity, sir,” he said.

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 9:55 a.m. No.3951286   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another 3,300 Caravan Migrants Arrive in Tijuana, Says Mexico


Nearly 3,300 additional Central American caravan migrants arrived at the Mexican northern border city of Tijuana on Saturday, authorities in Mexico stated.


Approximately 3,292 migrants are expected to arrive in the border city of Tijuana today according to the El Instituto Nacional de Migración known as INM according to local media reports. These are in addition to those previously reported arrivals.


The migrant caravan with approximately 3,300 migrants was expected to arrive in Tijuana this morning according to the Mexican government agency tasked with tracking human migration (INM). The caravan reportedly traveled north through the state of Sinaloa yesterday toward the northern border state of Sonora. The group took nearly the same route as previous caravan groups, officials stated.


According to the INM, there are a total of 2,779 migrants in Tijuana not including Saturday’s 3292 scheduled arrivals. There are an additional 657 in the city of Mexicali which borders the U.S. city of Calexico, California. Another group of migrants in the central Mexican state of Queretaro consists of 3,036 migrants. All these migrants are part of the original group that crossed into Mexico approximately one month ago which then consisted of 9,664 — a majority from the country of Honduras.


The Honduran ambassador to Mexico, Alden Rivera has been monitoring the caravan’s travels through Mexico and said that approximately 5,500 were from his country. He advised that several of his countrymen were suffering from respiratory infections. The ambassador announced that a mobile consulate would be set up in order to provide official documents at no cost and to ensure that Mexican authorities were providing proper humanitarian aid.


Ambassador Rivera said, “We do not have an economy that allows us (to provide aid) … it sounds somewhat irresponsible because they are Hondurans, and, in the end, we should take charge and be responsible for Hondurans anywhere in the world,” he explained.


Rivera said he will monitor authorities in Mexico and the United States to ensure that due process for his countrymen is respected as required in the country they eventually decide to stay in. He also called on his countrymen to respect the laws of Mexico and the United States in order to have a great possibility of obtaining asylum or refugee status.


Breitbart Texas reported on the movement of this migrant caravan which involved transportation provided by buses being escorted by state and federal police. Breitbart Texas has also reported that Mexican citizens began protesting the migrant caravan’s arrival in Tijuana. These protests turned violent, leading law enforcement to separate the migrants from the demonstrators.


Local law enforcement sources said many in the caravan are reporting that they were not told when they left central America that they would be encountering problems in crossing into the United States. This was also reported by local media outlet El Universal.

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 9:57 a.m. No.3951306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1357 >>1635

EU warns May that delaying Brexit will cost Britain an extra £10bn


Theresa May has asked the EU ‘a few extra months’ in order to secure the best possible trade deal for Britain and to reach an acceptable solution to the Irish border.


However, last night, leaders said that any transition period extension would have to be at least one year. On top of this, Brussels negotiators have said that it will add an extra £10 billion on top of the already sizeable £40bn divorce bill.


After Brexiteer cabinet members putting pressure on her to change Writing in the Sun on Sunday, May warned what might happen if she is ousted as leader or her deal is rejected:


“If MPs reject the deal, they will simply take us back to square one. “It would mean more division, more uncertainty and a failure to deliver on the vote of the British people.


“There is no alternative plan on the table. There is no different approach that we could agree with the EU. “The course I have set is the right one for our country and the only one that will work.


“The path before us is not easy, but with determination and hard work, I know we can deliver a deal in the national interest. One that builds a more secure, prosperous Britain, whose best days lie ahead. That is the brighter future that awaits us.


“I am determined to get us there. I will not let you down.”


However, Commons leader Andrea Leadsom and one of the ‘gang of five’, including Leave supporters Michael Gove, Liam Fox, Chris Grayling and Penny Mourdant, insist there is more to be done on the withdrawal terms set out in the current agreement.


In addition, so far 23 out of the 48 Conservatives required have written letters of no confidence in May in order to trigger a leadership election.


Should May keep her position, the Prime Minister’s biggest fight will come around December, when Parliament will vote on the Deal. 318 votes will be needed in the Commons if all 650 MPs are present, but May will only be confident of around 230 votes.


Whether she can win over a majority of the 80 hardcore Tory Brexiteer rebels, the 10 DUP MPs, and potentially dozens of Labour MPs, in order to push the deal through remains to be seen.

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 9:59 a.m. No.3951318   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Christian Bridal Magazine Forced Out of Business for Not Featuring Same-Sex Couples


A major Australian wedding magazine has been forced to close after a campaign by violence-threatening activists against the Christian-run publication over its failure to feature same-sex couples.


Luke and Carla Burrell, who have published White Magazine for 12 years, posted a statement Saturday announcing that the magazine was “no longer economically viable” following an intimidation campaign which saw advertisers, staff, and contributors targeted for abuse and threats of physical violence.


The couple said that, while the publication had always been secular, they were forced to “pick a side” earlier in the year when the Australian state broadcaster, ABC, published a piece in which former contributors to the publication “raised the alarm about White’s lack of LGBTQI diversity”.


Photographer Lara Hotz said she felt “extremely hurt” by the magazine’s rejection of same-sex wedding shoots following the introduction of same-sex marriage in Australia last year, adding: “It appears they are happy to take money, content and photographs from LGBTQI advertisers and contributors, but are yet to support and represent us in the same way as heterosexual couples are represented in the magazine.”


In their blog post, titled ‘Farewell’, the Burrells said they had “no agenda but love”, stressing: “We have no desire to create a social, political or legal war, which only divides people further and does more damage than good. To us, our faith is anchored in love without judgement.”


Reporting that they were “really saddened” by the campaign, during which “couples who have featured in our magazine have also been the subject of online abuse despite their individual beliefs”, the pair closed their post by stating: “We hope that one day soon our society can learn to accept people’s differences and different points of view and love each other no matter what. That’s where real positive change begins.”


The Burrells case is “only the tip of the iceberg” and represents “a quiet crisis of freedom that runs far deeper”, according to the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL), which warned the government’s failure so far to deliver religious protections it promised after the same-sex marriage referendum means “good people of faith are suffering”.


A report published in The Australian noted the case of Christian wedding photographer Jason Tey, who was hauled to a State Equal Opportunity Commission not for declining service to LGBT individuals but simply for stating his religious beliefs.


The professional from Western Australia got in trouble after “he agreed to photograph the children of a same-sex couple but disclosed a conflict of belief, in case they felt more comfortable hiring someone else”, reports the centre-right newspaper.


“At the conciliation hearing, it was demanded that Mr Tey provide an admission of discrimination as well as a written apology to be published publicly on the homepage of his website and all social media pages associated with his photography business for at least two months.”


The ACL “has been called in to provide help to more than 50 people who have faced legal trouble for living out their faith”, said the organisation’s managing director, Martyn Iles, describing as “a nightmare” the situations faced by Mr Tey and the Burrells.


“Few cases come to the public attention because people are afraid to speak. The intolerance they face is formidable,” he continued.


“Jason is being sued simply for stating his beliefs. Luke and Clara were harassed out of business for saying and doing nothing – for their silence.


“That is shocking. We are at the stage where anything less than total affirmation is worthy of vicious attack. We’re spiralling into an Orwellian nightmare.”

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 10:04 a.m. No.3951368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1416 >>1635

Poll: Support for Increase in Muslim Immigration Collapses in Australia


Australian voter support for a lift in immigration of Muslims has collapsed in the wake of last week’s Islamic State-inspired terror attack in Melbourne.


According to a Fairfax Media Ipsos poll, support for an increase in Muslim immigration dropped from 23 percent to a bare 14 percent between October and November, the Australian Financial Review reports.


Just 35 percent of those polled believe the intake should stay the same. Another 46 percent believe the intake should be reduced a lot or a little – a position backed by a clear majority of supporters of the governing conservative coalition and one third of Labor voters.


The survey comes after the Bourke Street terror attack by Somali immigrant Hassan Khalif Shire Ali and amid growing calls from some conservative members of Parliament to slash migration from Muslim-majority nations.

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 10:05 a.m. No.3951380   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Watch As "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" Robert Mueller Lies To Congress, In Order To Drag Us Into a Decade Long War.

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 10:06 a.m. No.3951397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A wife beating scumbag, a cop hating race baiter, a pedophile pervert, and a admitted rape-attempting racist top the list…..

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 10:08 a.m. No.3951420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1428 >>1635

Israel’s Netanyahu Makes Last-Ditch Effort to Save Government


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday he was heading into a meeting with his top coalition partner in a “last effort” to prevent the collapse of his government, which has been rocked by the resignation of its defense minister over a cease-fire agreement with Gaza militants.


Speaking at his weekly Cabinet meeting, Netanyahu said it would be unwise to embark on a divisive election campaign during such a sensitive time for Israeli security. He said he would try to convince Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon and his centrist Kulanu party to stay in the fold.

“It would be both unnecessary and incorrect to go to elections. We remember well what happened when elements inside the coalitions took down Likud governments in 1992 and in 1999,” he said, noting the past two elections in which the Labor Party came to power.


“We need to do everything we can to prevent repeating these mistakes,” he added.


The sudden coalition crisis was sparked by the resignation of Israel’s hard-line Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who had demanded a far stronger response last week to the most massive wave of rocket attacks on Israel since the 2014 Israel-Hamas war. He alleges the truce will put southern Israel under a growing threat from Hamas, similar to that posed to northern Israel by Lebanon’s heavily armed Hezbollah group.


The departure of Lieberman and his Yisrael Beitenu party leaves the coalition with a one-seat majority in the 120-member parliament. Netanyahu’s other partners say that makes governing untenable and would leave the coalition susceptible to the extortion of any single lawmaker until elections scheduled for November 2019.


Education Minister Naftali Bennett, of the pro-settler Jewish Home party, has already threatened to bring down the government if he is not appointed defense minister. Kahlon says another year of such instability will harm the economy.


Netanyahu is trying to convince them to stay, and his Likud allies are already preparing to pin the blame on them if that effort fails.


“I think that there is no reason to shorten the term of a national government, not even for one day, and at this moment it’s in the hands of the education minister and the finance minister,” said Gilad Erdan, the minister of public security.


No Israeli government has served out its full term since 1988. Since then, elections have almost always been moved up because of a coalition crisis or a strategic move by the prime minister to maximize his chances of re-election.


Though Netanyahu has been reportedly flirting with the idea of moving up elections himself in recent months, the current timing is not ideal for him.


He has come under heavy criticism for agreeing to the Gaza cease-fire, especially from within his own political base and in the working-class, rocket-battered towns in southern Israel that are typically strongholds of his Likud Party. But with Lieberman forcing his hand and the other coalition partners appearing eager to head to the polls he may not have a choice.


Most opinion polls show Netanyahu easily securing re-election, which would secure him a place in Israeli history as the country’s longest-serving leader. But several factors could trip him up, including a potential corruption indictment that could knock him out of contention.


Police have recommended he be indicted on bribery and breach of trust charges in two cases and have questioned him at length on another. The country has long been eagerly awaiting the attorney general’s decision on whether to press charges.


Netanyahu has angrily dismissed the accusations against him, characterizing them as part of a media-driven witch-hunt that is obsessed with removing him from office.

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 10:11 a.m. No.3951453   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Estonia will not sign the U.N. migration pact, joining the U.S., Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic


After Hungary, Austria, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, Estonia has also left the UN migration pact.


“In forming the governing coalition, we agreed that we make decisions only by consensus. The government has today failed to reach agreement at the Cabinet meeting on support for the UN migration pact. Therefore, the government will not join the agreement, “wrote Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (Center Party) on Thursday on Facebook.


The comprehensive management of immigration is important for all countries, emphasised Ratas. However, the laws of Estonia are already in line with democratic and European principles. This also applies to the future.


For the past two years, Estonia has been governed by a tripartite coalition of Social Democrats and Conservatives (Isamaa, Fatherland) led by the Center Party. While the Social Democrats were in favor of Estonia joining the UN migration pact, the conservative party rejected support for the agreement.


Estonia is the fifth EU state to exit the UN migration pact. Previously, Hungary had already rejected the agreement. A little later, Austria, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria withdrew from the pact.

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.3951469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1586 >>1635

Pentagon Fails Its 1st-Ever Official Audit – Mainstream Media Blackout on Corruption!


How could anyone have thought the Pentagon could have passed, when in 2001 they announced they couldn’t find $2.3 trillion dollars, it just disappeared. Since there wasn’t an outrage or march on Washington about the missing trillions, that amount that can’t be found by the Pentagon has jumped to over $9 trillion today!!!


Why are Veterans homeless???


Somebody is stealing their money!!!


(ANTIWAR.COM) — After generations of being a black hole down which money goes, never to return, a team of 1,200 auditors tried to give the Pentagon its first ever comprehensive audit, just to see where all that money went.…dc-3877963


Obama purged the commanders who stood for “HONOR” and now the money is gone and the commanders who passed the Obama litmus test can be held accountable for the trillions that have gone missing under the Bush/Clinton/Obama administrations. Audits that should have been long ago are showing the American people now, how broken and corruption government and the military industrial complex that Obama made that was to support a Clinton presidency, and not a Trump one. Waking up to more corruption by those who have stolen monies that rightfully belongs to Vetrans, and the families who lost a soldier in the wars for greed and control of the world by the new world order.


Corruption in the Pentagon…the rabbit hole is deep!!!


Trump restoring those purged by Obama to make a better Armed Forces???…2a_&ia=web

Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.3951518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1635

There’s Growing Proof that Paul Ryan Was to Blame for GOP Midterm Losses


Democrats had a decent haul on election night but since Election Day the Democrats have had A SPECTACULAR RUN!

In the US Senate Republicans flipped FOUR SEATS in the Midterm elections.


** Republican Mike Braun defeated Senator Joe Donnelly after lagging in the liberal media polls all year.

** Republican Josh Hawley defeated Senator Claire McCaskill by 6 points after only leading by .6 according to the polling.

** Republican Kevin Cramer trounced Heidi Heitkamp in North Dakota by nearly 11 points.

** In Florida Governor Rick Scott Senator defeated Bill Nelson by 12,000 votes. This was despite the Democrats’ best efforts to steal a win in Florida.


President Trump campaigned for each of these Republican candidates.

In the US House Republicans got shellacked.


Here’s the list of the lost Republican Congressional seats — so far:

Via Vox:



Anonymous ID: e31683 Nov. 18, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.3951605   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Newsweek writer: ‘Almost every single person I’ve ever heard of with an AR-15 has been a mass murderer’


Newsweek writer: ‘Almost every single person I’ve ever heard of with an AR-15 has been a mass murderer’ (25 Pics)

November 18, 2018 News

If you read the headline to this piece, you know what it’s about.

And yes, if you never touch a gun yourself and only hear about them on the news when there’s a mass shooting, you might very well be deluded into thinking all AR-15 owners are mass murderers.

It’s not often that CNN reports on a man who goes to the range, fires his legally owned AR-15, and goes home and locks it in a gun safe.

We’re thinking Newsweek’s Nina Burleigh needs to get out more and hear from some law-abiding AR-15 owners.




MSM losing it's freaken mind