Anonymous ID: 8c4095 Nov. 18, 2018, 12:35 p.m. No.3952915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3158

Report: Mueller Will Meet Again With Roger Stone’s Alleged Link To Wikileaks


Special Counsel Robert Mueller wants to meet again with Randy Credico, the New York comedian who was revealed this week as having tipped off Trump confidant Roger Stone to WikiLeaks’ plans to release information that would harm the Clinton campaign.


Credico’s attorney, Martin Stolar, told The Daily Beast that his client will meet with Mueller’s team at some point after Thanksgiving.


Credico testified to Mueller’s grand jury on Sept. 7. He claimed in a CNN interview after his testimony that he told the grand jury that he was not Stone’s source for information about WikiLeaks’ plans to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.


Prosecutors reportedly want to know whether Stone had advance knowledge that WikiLeaks would release emails hacked from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.


Stone made several comments on social media leading up to the Oct. 7, 2016, release that indicated he had inside knowledge that WikiLeaks would release information damaging to the campaign.


But Stone insists that he did not know the source or content of the WikiLeaks dump beforehand. He’s claimed for more than a year that Credico provided him with accurate tips that the WikiLeaks’ release would “roil” the Clinton campaign.


Stone, a longtime political operative, released text messages earlier this week that seem to back up his claims about Credico.


The messages, which were provided to The Daily Caller News Foundation and other outlets, showed that from August to October 2016, Credico provided hints about WikiLeaks’ plans to release information about the Clinton campaign. At least two witnesses have testified to Mueller’s grand jury recently that they heard Credico acknowledge being Stone’s back channel to Wikileaks.


“Julian Assange has kryptonite on Hillary,” Credico wrote to Stone on Aug. 27, 2016.


“[B]ig news Wednesday,” Credico wrote on Oct. 1, 2016. “Now pretend u don’t know me.”


“Hillary’s campaign will die this week,” Credico added.


Days later, on Oct. 7, 2016, WikiLeaks began releasing emails that were stolen from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.


Credico also asked Stone not to identify him as his source for information about WikiLeaks.


“You are not going to drag my name into this are you,” Credico wrote on Sept. 29, 2016.


“Leave my name out Im [sic] going to be all screwed up today.”


Credico had contact with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and WikiLeaks attorney, Margaret Ratner Kunstler. Credico described Kunstler as one of his best friends and suggested in texts to Stone that she had provided him some of the information about WikiLeaks’ impending releases.


It is not clear whether Mueller and his team want to speak to Credico specifically about Stone and WikiLeaks, or about his previous testimony.


After releasing his texts, Stone asserted that Credico may have committed perjury.

Anonymous ID: 8c4095 Nov. 18, 2018, 12:40 p.m. No.3952961   🗄️.is 🔗kun

HODGES: Is It Time to Declare the Democratic Party a Domestic Terrorist Group?


We have paramilitary forces just south of our border prepared to attack. We have reports of Russian tanks in the Mexican jungles. We have nonstop waves of interlopers pretending to be immigrants crossing our border at the rate of 20,000 per day. And at the heart of it all, is the Democratic Party. This article is not about politics, it is about treason, treason that originates from the Democratic Party.

Judicial Watch’s Stunning Revelation


In April of 2015, highly respected Judicial Watch published a brilliant piece of investigative journalism which should have set off alarm bells all across America. However, the Obama administration was still in charge and nothing was done to act upon the accurate content of this report. Judicial Watch discovered that ISIS was maintaining a joint base camp with various drug cartels and it was located only a few miles from the US-Mexico border and only 8 miles from the city of El Paso, TX. Judicial Watch also uncovered a list of domestic terror targets that these nefarious sources had published as intended targets. Here are some excerpts, From Judicial Watch’s original 2015 report on this grave threat to the national security of the United States.


ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, according to Judicial Watch sources that include a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector.


The exact location where the terrorist group has established its base is around eight miles from the U.S. border in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Another ISIS cell to the west of Ciudad Juárez, in Puerto Palomas, targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States, the same knowledgeable sources confirm.


During the course of a joint operation last week, Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu, as well as “plans” of Fort Bliss – the sprawling military installation that houses the US Army’s 1st Armored Division. Muslim prayer rugs were recovered with the documents during the operation…


…“coyotes” engaged in human smuggling – and working for Juárez Cartel – help move ISIS terrorists through the desert and across the border between Santa Teresa and Sunland Park, New Mexico. To the east of El Paso and Ciudad Juárez, cartel-backed “coyotes” are also smuggling ISIS terrorists through the porous border between Acala and Fort Hancock, Texas. These specific areas were targeted for exploitation by ISIS because of their understaffed municipal and county police forces, and the relative safe-havens the areas provide for the unchecked large-scale drug smuggling that was already ongoing.


Mexican intelligence sources report that ISIS intends to exploit the railways and airport facilities in the vicinity of Santa Teresa, NM (a US port-of-entry). The sources also say that ISIS has “spotters” located in the East Potrillo Mountains of New Mexico (largely managed by the Bureau of Land Management) to assist with terrorist border crossing operations. ISIS is conducting reconnaissance of regional universities; the White Sands Missile Range; government facilities in Alamogordo, NM; Ft. Bliss; and the electrical power facilities near Anapra and Chaparral, NM.

Anonymous ID: 8c4095 Nov. 18, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.3953036   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel is Now Powerless – Palestine is Inevitable


– The current military-political doctrine of the Israeli leadership is based on the continuation of the occupation of the Syrian and Palestinian territories occupied by the state of Israel, which requires constant violence and acts of international aggression and state terrorism against the population of the occupied territories of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Syria and Iran.


Also, the military-political doctrine of the leadership of Israel requires impunity, and no losses. Israeli society is not prepared for any losses. Israeli moms love when their children dress in a beautiful green uniform, eat in army canteens and kill Arabs, but they don’t like their children being killed in a war.


From a historical point of view, when citizens of a state are not ready to die for their country, such states die (as an example, Byzantium, whose walls could no longer protect them, and had only mercenaries).


In order to commit unpunished acts of aggression without loss, considerable, if not absolute, military-technical superiority is required. Until recently, the state of Israel had such superiority. But in recent years and months the situation has begun to change.


During the Israeli aggression against Lebanon in 2006, the latest Israeli Merkava tanks were destroyed and damaged by the usual old Soviet anti-tank systems of the 1970s.


After several days of fighting with absolute air supremacy and after the loss of a significant number of tanks for Israel, all the Merkava tanks were no longer used as assault tanks in the first line of attack, and were diverted to the second line and later used as self-propelled artillery guns.


Casualties in Lebanon forced the Israeli army to retreat back into Israeli territory. If the Israeli leadership had any goals in this war, they were not met. The Israeli army suffered a defeat in this war, and Israeli society began to demand even more military operations from its government.


Recently, Syria saw the end of many years of Israeli aggression. After the tragic death of the Russian Il-20 aircraft, which occurred because of an Israeli air raid on Latakia, and the transfer to Syria of S-300 air defense systems by Russia, Israeli air raids on Syria ceased due to fear of losing the aircraft and the pilots.


Op-ed By Mikhail Osherov

Anonymous ID: 8c4095 Nov. 18, 2018, 12:49 p.m. No.3953047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3158

Peru says ex-president has sought asylum in Uruguay


LIMA, Peru – Former Peruvian President Alan Garcia has sought asylum in Uruguay's diplomatic mission hours after a judge retained his passport as part of a corruption probe, Peru's foreign ministry announced Sunday.


The ministry said it was informed by Uruguay's ambassador that Garcia entered his residence Saturday night seeking protection. It vowed to provide unspecified information to Uruguay as it evaluates Garcia's request.


Late Saturday, a judge in Lima granted prosecutors' request that Garcia be banned from leaving Peru for 18 months as investigators probe allegations he received illegal payment from Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht.


Odebrecht is at the center of Latin America's biggest corruption scandal after admitting in a 2016 plea agreement with the U.S. Justice Department that it paid corrupt officials across Latin America nearly $800 million in exchange for major infrastructure contracts.


The scandal has led to the jailing of numerous senior politicians across the region, especially in Brazil and Peru, where former President Pedro Pablo Kucyznski was forced to resign for hiding his past work as a consultant to Odebrecht and Garcia as well as two other former presidents, Ollanta Humala and Alejandro Toledo, are under investigation for allegedly taking illegal payments.


Garcia, who splits his time between Madrid and Peru, downplayed the threat of arrest when he arrived home on Thursday.


"For me it's not a punishment to be confined 18 months to my homeland," he said on Twitter while denying that he had ever received money from Odebrecht.


President Martin Vizcarra, who has made tackling corruption the focus of his administration since taking over from Kuczynski, rejected Garcia's claims the case against him was built on false testimony.


"Political persecution doesn't exist in Peru, and all of us Peruvians must obey justice, without exceptions," he wrote on Twitter shortly after news of Garcia's asylum request.


Garcia is under investigation for bribes allegedly paid during the construction of Lima's metro during his 2006-2011 government.


Garcia, 69, was a populist firebrand whose erratic first presidency in the 1980s was marked by hyperinflation, rampant corruption and the rise of the Shining Path guerrilla movement.


When he returned to power two decades later he ran a more conservative government, helping usher in a commodities-led investment boom in which Odebrecht played a major supporting role.


This is the second time Garcia has sought to flee to another country amid corruption charges. Following the end of his first government he spent nine years in exile in neighboring Colombia and then France after his successor, Alberto Fujimori, raided his house and reopened a corruption probe.