Anonymous ID: c9c713 Nov. 18, 2018, 1:05 p.m. No.3953171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3223


>Hal Turner has a "christian prophecy" radio

SRSLY are you the only fag left in the world who does not know who Hal Turner really is? Do a search for his name and encyclopedia dramatica and then go hide in the basement for being such a stupid ass newfag posting Hal Turner on a chan.


(pro tip, he's a fed honey pot that the feds actually pretended to lock up after he threatened a judge but "somehow" his email got hacked and posted on half revealing his FED handler and other juicy tidbits.)


Anyone posting about HaL Turner on here…has to go fucking back.

Anonymous ID: c9c713 Nov. 18, 2018, 1:14 p.m. No.3953247   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> Israel is embedding itself in American education/business

Having some knowledge of proEd…have a look at the textbook authors. Just finished yet another one where every single person featured in a " professional feature" was a jew. EVERY single one. THe author was a jew…and this isn't the first one…over and over and over Jewish textbook authors insert GREAT FUCKERY into the textbooks YOUR kids read. From civil rights pathos to black kids (message…you will never amount to anything because white people) and to white kids (it's all your fault black kids will never amount to anything)…which is why so many BLM protestors are white…this starts in high school.


Some fuckery from last week…crime statistics…explaining away the high crime rates of blacks, especially violent crimes…poor black people really aren't criminals at all it's just inequalities of everything (my take on it is it's an inequality of impulse control, as blacks have very very poor impulse control)…


THEN (wait for it)…we've already learned blacks aren't REALLY criminals…but…we come to the section on capital punishment and the different types…and explanations into the process, how most people given the death penalty are guilty or a heinous crime…so when they get to the section on hanging…guess what criminal is pictured standing on the gallows with the rope around his neck being prepared for execution for a horrific crime? yep…a black man.


There are no ethics in edpub, there is no oversight either…jews are running the publishing companies, and writing the textbooks. Professor Greenberg's latest (vile, really bad history book) due to go to printers on Nov. 8, 2016 had an entire section on our nations first amazing female president, complete with voter demographics…everything.