Member when Trump "joked" about China having a very large demand for soybeans?
"They" were using soy to biologically weaken male vitality.
Can't have a war between men and women without engineering the men to be weaker.
The D youth of course would jump headlong into soy if they believed they were saving the world as they have been conditioned to narcissistically believe they must do "against the patriarchy".
Male vitality flipped upside down into conspiratorial meetings and using government power to supposedly tailor its laws and institutions to unfairly benefit males at the expense of everyone else.
The people suffer, blame themselves instead of the source, source gains from wealth that can be looted n a world of perpetual conflict.
It's the same bullshit story retold over and over.
Projection from a secretive bloodline cult that has used government power to benefit themselves ("they eye") at the expense of every race and every gender because the eye will forever be fed as long as humanity is viewed by enough people as divided into inherently incompatible and at conflict "groups" of one or the other.
The 100% best way to spot a shill is to see if they speak about individual human beings and facts generated by individual planning and research, or if they speak about groups, classes, based on physical characteristics of individual human beings.
If they bother themselves by typing in groupconflictfag, that's a shill.
Even if they perceive themselves as not shills. They would be unwitting, oopsy tricked shills who falsely believe they doing good against the various stories in the groupconflictfag collection of those binders with loose leaf with crazy scribbles page after page?
Yeah, down with an entire race of people on the basis they themselves are all or "mostly" racist.
Anyone who buys into that would only be projecting their own racist view of other human beings.
The left is now conceding that Trump never said a racist comment, remember the fake news telling us before the election that "any day now" an audio tape would be released with a racial slur?…so they are now saying fuck it, the english language itself is a dog whistle to racists…and is hence a super secret nazi language with hidden nazi code so that all of the English speaking peoples are communicating a secret plan to kill every other race.
Flip this all around by imagining the above to be how a false story and further division of the human race would be needed by the world's MOST racist people?
Worship Satan…bloodline cult.
Once they destroy us with enough fake wars and fake group conflicts, the philosophical analytics would have then morphed into a world battle over "good" languages with no hidden code, against "bad" languages with hidden plan to destroy all other races.