re President's tweet on Catch & Detain to replace Catch & Release
Need leads for a dig!
If POTUS succeeds in keeping current caravaners out of the country, the next Dem tactic will be twofold:
ONE: to scream bloody murder about the conditions of detention for those detained within. It doesn't matter what the real conditions are, they will attack.
TWO to scream bloody murder about the "dire situation" of those who remain in Mexico awaiting a hearing (never mind that caravan organizers created those conditions by enticing people to come in large numbers all at once)
Next focus for caravan digs: to look at all the groups clamoring for the release of illegal detainees. Their are many of them, just need to be found and described, so we know what we're dealing with (and also their ties to Soros and other NWOs).
BTW, anyone have any leads on evidence of caravan organizers going into the villages to get people in Honduras or Guatemala to join a caravan by lying to them about their prospects, telling them it's like pilgrimage, stuff like that? I'd like actual testimony from villagers if possible.
If we can show that villagers were enticed, that destroys the myth of a grassroots movement.