Anonymous ID: b018f3 Nov. 18, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.3954048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4106 >>4117 >>4135 >>4406 >>4685


Digs are a little dated but the light needs to shine on this.


Peter Thiel believes blood transfusions from the young could be ‘biological fountain of youth’ and help people live forever


Human trials were launched recently by a company called Ambrosia, with participants paying $8,000 to get involved, according to Inc.


In the study, ‘Young Donor Plasma Transfusion and Age-Related Biomarkers,’ healthy individuals aged 35 or older receive a transfusion of blood plasma from donors younger than 25.


No Longer a Conspiracy Theory: Elite Openly Paying to Ingest the Blood of the Young


“I’m looking into parabiosis stuff, which I think is really interesting. This is where they did the young blood into older mice and they found that had a massive rejuvenating effect,” Peter Thiel


AMBROSIA is the company who ran the trials shown below. .


Young Donor Plasma Transfusion and Age-Related Biomarkers


Detailed Description:


Each patient will receive an infusion of plasma derived from a young donor (16-25 years of age). A panel of age-associated biomarkers will be measured before and after treatment.


We have drawn biomarkers from clinical measures of aging and physiology, biomarkers of disease advancement, as well as biomarkers of aging from animal and human studies. These will represent a spectrum of physiologic pathways with evidence-based connections to aging. They include the physiologic processes of inflammation, neurogenesis, stem cell proliferation, blood clotting, immune function, and amyloid plaques. Organ function which will be specifically measured includes the liver, bone marrow, kidneys, pancreas, muscles, cardiovasculature, cerebrovasculature, and the thyroid. Specific disease states connected to these biomarkers include anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, elevated risk of cancer, atherosclerosis, dementia, and cataracts.


I'm still yet to find a link between my previous digs and these trials but the company Dyncorp and associated charities and foundations operating in almost ALL human trafficking hot spots were also looking into this same topic.


(old digs from a pb)

>>3592230 , >>3592247 , >>3592381 HUMAN TRAFFICKING NETWORKS (LIFE EXTENSION)


All my digging into all these 1% assholes leads to this same topic, LIFE EXTENSION AT ANY COST.

Anonymous ID: b018f3 Nov. 18, 2018, 2:52 p.m. No.3954065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4113 >>4208 >>4396 >>4685

Trump considering changes in as many as five Cabinet positions


President Donald Trump said he is considering making changes in as many as five Cabinet positions during an interview with Fox News that aired Sunday.


Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Trump told Chris Wallace he values the ability to be flexible with his staff amid speculation Department of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen and White House chief of staff John Kelly may soon depart from the White House.


“I have three or four or five positions that I’m thinking about. Of that, maybe it’s going to end up being two. But I need flexibility,” Trump said.


Trump told Wallace he was looking for Nielsen to improve her handling of the U.S.-Mexico border.


“I like her very much I respect her very much I’d like her to be much together on the border. Much tougher. Period,” Trump said.


The president also said he and Kelly “get along well,” but said Kelly was likely to “move on,” suggesting he may not remain as chief of staff with the White House through 2020.


“There are certain things I love what he does and there are certain things that I don’t like that he does — that aren’t his strength,” Trump said. “It’s not that he doesn’t do — you know he works so hard. He’s doing an excellent job in many ways. There are a couple of things where it’s just not his strength. It’s not his fault, it’s not his strength.”


Addressing the replacement of one of his administration’s most recent departures, Trump said he wasn’t aware that Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker had been critical of Special Counsel Robert Muller’s investigation into his possible role in Russian interference in the 2016 election when he selected him to replace departing Attorney General Jeff Sessions.


“I did not know he took views on the Mueller investigation as such,” Trump said.


He added he “would not get involved” in Whitaker’s decisions overseeing the Mueller probe as attorney general.


“It’s going to be up to him,” Trump said. “I think he’s very well aware politically. I think he’s astute politically. He’s a very smart person. A very respected person. He’s going to do what’s right. I really believe he’s going to do what’s right.”

Anonymous ID: b018f3 Nov. 18, 2018, 2:53 p.m. No.3954076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4393 >>4396 >>4685

France sick of Macron? Approval rating drops to 25% after massive protests


There’s seems to be no end to beleaguered French President Emmanuel Macron’s downfall. While the French leader loves to criticise the leaders of the US and Hungary, his own situation becomes more critical by the day.


A day after the massive protests against Macron’s announced increase in fuel tax a poll was published in the Journal du Dimanche.


The Sunday poll found that four per cent of French respondents said they are “very satisfied” with Macron’s work, and 21 per cent are “mostly satisfied.” According to the poll, thirty-four percent were “mostly dissatisfied” while 39 percent were “very dissatisfied”.


Yesterday massive protests against the French government took place. The so called “yellow vests”, opposing an increase in taxes blocked hundreds of roads. In the protests, that attracted around one million people, more than 200 were injured and one person died.

Anonymous ID: b018f3 Nov. 18, 2018, 3:02 p.m. No.3954158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4277 >>4286

After earlier today trying to blame the Trump admin for the drone strikes in Yemen, the UN now try to blame Trump for the US coalition, which is the cabal's grouping of fighters from 70 countries which mind you has been protected by the UN for decades, as they facilitators of the ISIS revival in Syria and Iraq.


U.N. Report Confirms ISIS Given "Breathing Space" In US-Occupied Areas Of Syria


A recent report from the UN Security Council’s Sanctions Monitoring Team has found that many of the places in Syria where the terror group Daesh (ISIS) continues to operate, recuperate and extract oil for profit are in areas of the country occupied by the United States.


According to the report’s executive summary:


Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), having been defeated militarily in Iraq and most of the Syrian Arab Republic during 2017, rallied in early 2018 [owing to] a loss of momentum by forces fighting it in the east of the Syrian Arab Republic, which prolonged access by ISIL to resources and gave it breathing space to prepare for the next phase of its evolution into a global covert network.”


While the text itself doesn’t explicitly state who controls these areas of Syrian territory, maps of eastern Syria make it clear that the pockets of Daesh within U.S.-controlled territory have remained unchanged in size since November 2017 while the Daesh pockets in the Syrian government-controlled portion of eastern Syria have shrunk considerably since last November.


IMO the UN/NATO and ALL other cabal networks need to be shutdown and those in charge prosecuted then executed for genocide.

Anonymous ID: b018f3 Nov. 18, 2018, 3:04 p.m. No.3954184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4198 >>4212 >>4317 >>4396 >>4398 >>4594 >>4685

Payback: Florida Sues Big Pharma for Aiding and Abetting US Opioid Crisis


Florida is suing two major US drugstore chains, Walgreens and CVS, for their alleged contributions to the opioid crisis in the state and nationally.


On Friday, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi announced that the two drugstore chains had been added to a state-court lawsuit filed last year against Purdue Pharma, which manufactures OxyContin (an opioid with a high risk for addiction and dependence) and other opioid distributors.


"We will continue to pursue those companies that played a role in creating the opioid crisis," Bondi said in a news release. "Thousands of Floridians have suffered as a result of the actions of the defendants," she added, noting that CVS and Walgreens did not halt "suspicious orders of opioids" and "dispensed unreasonable quantities of opioids from their pharmacies."


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 45 people die in the US every single day as a result of opioid overdoses.


On Saturday, CVS spokesperson Mike DeAngelis remarked that the Florida opioid lawsuit alleging that it contributed to the national opioid epidemic is "without merit" and that the company is "dedicated to helping reduce prescription drug abuse and diversion," AP reported. He claimed that the company trains its pharmacists to discern and detect potentially illegal sales.


Walgreens declined to comment on the lawsuit.


According to the lawsuit, Walgreens distributed some 2.2 million opioid tablets from its Hudson, Florida, store in a town of just 12,000. In another undisclosed Florida town with a population of only 3,000, Walgreens sold an estimated 285,000 pills in a single month. In some Walgreen stores in Florida, opioid sales increased six-fold in just two years.


The lawsuit states that various CVS stores in Florida sold an estimated 700 million opioid dosages between 2006-2014.


The US is facing what is now commonly accepted as the worst drug crisis in the country's history, with overdoses killing a record 72,000 users in 2017, according to preliminary CDC data.


Despite the ongoing US opioid drug epidemic, the FDA only this month approved the sale and use of a powerful new opioid in the face of strong criticism from its own advisers.


FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb issued a special statement on the approval of the new drug, Dsuvia, noting that its use would be strictly controlled and that the agency understands the controversy behind its decision, Sputnik previously reported.


Public Citizen, a consumer rights advocacy group, strongly objected to Dsuvia's approval, as did Raeford Brown, the chairman of the FDA advisory committee.


"It is certain that Dsuvia will worsen the opioid epidemic and kill people needlessly. It will be taken by medical personnel and others for whom it has not been prescribed. And many of those will overdose and die," noted Sidney Wolfe, founder of Public Citizen's Health Research Group.–opioid-crisis/

Anonymous ID: b018f3 Nov. 18, 2018, 3:09 p.m. No.3954213   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4240 >>4260 >>4273 >>4396 >>4685 >>4714

ALL OF ORANGE COUNTY Turns Blue After Democrats Find Thousands of Votes Post Election Day


Orange County, a traditionally conservative enclave in Southern California turned all blue after Democrats found tens of thousands of votes post election day.


Just two years ago in 2016, only 2 Congressional districts in Orange County voted blue–now just two years later every single district voted blue.


Democrat blue wave? More like Democrat election fraud.


The 39th district was officially called for Democrat Gil Cisneros over Republican Young Kim who was up by 3 points on election night and was set to be the first Korean-American Congresswoman. The Democrats stole this race with ‘late votes.’


Young Kim was up by 3,900 votes on election night with 100% of the precincts reporting according to AP and she ended up losing by 3,000 votes 11 days after the election.


Republican Congresswoman Mimi Walters in California’s 45th district was also ahead on election night then was magically defeated by Democrat Katie Porter several days after the election.


Democrat Katie Porter was trailing Mimi Walters on election night then jumped ahead by hundreds of votes after the Democrats produced thousands of ballots after the election.


There may be something more sinister happening in Orange County, California.


The Gateway Pundit spoke to two concerned voters in California’s 45th district who said when they went to vote, they were told they weren’t on the roster so they were given provisional ballots.


Two registered Republicans in California’s 45th district told this reporter that they have been voting for over 20 years in Orange County and what happened this midterm has never happened to them–EVER.


“I’ve been a registered Republican and an active voter for over 20 years and when I went to vote on election day, I was told that I wasn’t on the roster so I was given a provisional ballot,” a Republican voter told The Gateway Pundit.


Was this an isolated incident or is this more widespread?


One America News reporter Jack Posobiec spoke to a pollworker in California on election day.


The pollworker told Jack Posobiec, “I have received a very large amount of voters whose registration was changed to vote by mail without their consent and then not mailed their ballots. I’m allowing provisional voting. My registrar is giving me the runaround about this and just saying don’t worry. This is not my first election. I have not seen this problem before.”

Anonymous ID: b018f3 Nov. 18, 2018, 3:22 p.m. No.3954368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4405 >>4433


Big pharma give doctors holiday's and free shit to push opioids to the public as pain killers that's step one which gets people addicted. Then the Doctor meds aren't enough so users needing a fix start using heroin.

Anonymous ID: b018f3 Nov. 18, 2018, 3:24 p.m. No.3954382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4650


UN aid workers raped 60,000 people as it’s claimed organisation employs 3,300 paedophiles

Anonymous ID: b018f3 Nov. 18, 2018, 4:05 p.m. No.3954780   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A while back someone I know and his wife got taken to a foundation/charities annual general meeting, put up in 5 star hotel for the weekend ate high end everything with well known entertainment all on the dime of donations!