Anonymous ID: e2f0b8 Nov. 18, 2018, 4:18 p.m. No.3954911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5046 >>5065

>>3954555 (pb)

>We gotta get laid somehow.

You don't HAVE to get laid, you want to get laid….so why be antiabortion eh? If it weren't for the pill and abortion 99.9% of anon would be paying child support…that whole gotta get laid shit is what caused this problem in the first place. Women who got knocked up before the pill were shamed and blamed while the men went on to knock up some more…keep your pecker in your pocket or at the very least when she says bby I'm on the pill…put a fucking cover on it anyway. If men kept their sperm to themselves there'd be no abortion.

Anonymous ID: e2f0b8 Nov. 18, 2018, 4:37 p.m. No.3955081   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Is Feinstein providing illegal aliens with SSN's

shit most illegal alien SSNs are provided for a price (usually about 500) from Puerto Ricans. That shithole should NEVER be a state.

Anonymous ID: e2f0b8 Nov. 18, 2018, 4:41 p.m. No.3955114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5338


IF there is anything more annoying than bots it's the (((SHILLTARDS))) jaysus fucking h christ…OMG OMG ma ma I'm on the Qanon shill police…Iz smart I iz. IF you cannot control yourself well enough to scroll by what annoys you then you don't belong here and are no better than the blue snowflakes…MUH SAFE SPACE…do you realize you're exactly the same only redder?

Anonymous ID: e2f0b8 Nov. 18, 2018, 4:51 p.m. No.3955238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5336


>“This is not racism,” she said. “We are opposed to the invasion.”


>A block away from the riot barriers, 20-year-old Kevin Flores peered at the commotion through a metal gate at the sports complex. He said the protesters were racist.


While Mexico is indeed a VERY racist country with 18 different racial classifications and the lighter the skin the higher you rise…it's hysterical to see one brown person saying "it's not racissss" and another brown person saying "this is racissss"…KEK the brown war.


Dear fucking brown people…march on your OWN GOVERNMENT instead of running away like little cowards.


Just wait until the brown hoard has been in Tijuana for three months….this is gonna get tasty and quite possibly wake Mexicans the FUCK UP about why the people of the USA of ALL colors do not want an INVASION of low IQ cowards.


Let this be a lesson to the US..stay the fuck OUT of other country's business, stop sending in your five eyes to manipulate backwards cultures to produce results YOU want. US interference in countries south of the border has indeed created much of the problems the cowards run from. HOWEVER…that reign of terror is OVER. No more excuses. YOU want a prosperous country fucking BUILD IT YOURSELF. We'll stay out of it, we WANT to stay out of it.


KEK…Mexico is about to get a heaping dose of karma…and Trump et al. should sit back and enjoy the show.

Anonymous ID: e2f0b8 Nov. 18, 2018, 4:54 p.m. No.3955275   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Watching the Chris Wallace interview with POTUS

WHY does POTUS put up with that…he needs to draw down his APPRENTICE persona and tell that fuckwad, stop interrupting me or we're finished here. How can you expect idiots to learn good manners unless you point out their bad ones?

Anonymous ID: e2f0b8 Nov. 18, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.3955328   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I KNOW all this. I was on the front lines of PG prior to TD banning it and a LOT of work was done on Haiti. We had a (sauced /pol/ style) IT contractor drop a shit ton of info on what the UN troops which were largely from African countries raping with abandon in Haiti, the trafficking, and we got to watch a trafficking house get raided and all the people marched out and arrested.


HAITI is a fuckin shithole due to the culture of the people living there, but holy shit, the Clinton's made it worse.

Anonymous ID: e2f0b8 Nov. 18, 2018, 5:06 p.m. No.3955435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5442


You have a point for sure. MANY people have "SHILL FATIGUE" and are just exhausted in all possible ways of being attacked NON STOP since Trump ran for president. Normal people do indeed wish for it to stop. It's endless, stressful, many people lose their jobs, friends, families…and it certainly looks like Trump is all show and no go…I have space for this exhaustion. (lost my job when my boss found out…don't get holiday invites etc)…and it's perfectly normal to expect SOME kind of visible vindication…to expect that sometime…it will stop and the vile people get their due.


SO your point is valid and the asshat shitting on you for it is just a RED NPC.

'OTOH most people in this situation, have little to no idea how deep and black the swamp actually is, and the horrors awaiting the sunlight that will EVENTUALLY shine. I am not one for saying Q SAID…but that whole…[most people will lose their minds] bit is true…snowflakes on both sides of the aisle…one side says praise jeebus all day and faints and bewbs, the otherside screaming nazi all day….when both sides get their "awakening" holy…mental health days ahead.


FACT: there are NPCs a plenty on BOTH sides of the aisle.

Anonymous ID: e2f0b8 Nov. 18, 2018, 5:12 p.m. No.3955505   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>#AdamSchitt is a traitor to our country

His standard hotel asshattery is enough to put him behind bars for the rest of his life.


One thing I've been wondering…we've got some really evil people in power, people who, without question are people who need killing…why hasn't a political Dexter arisen? Some lone rich sniper…taking out the cabal one bullet to the forehead or one BLOWN UP theater (ala Inglorious Bastards) at a time? This has baffled me to no end. Some people just need killing…yes yes..when one falls 10k rise up and take their place…that just means Political Dexter is gonna be busy…why…for instance…hasn't the Clinton's plane crashed? ETC…and don't start that 'we're better than them" shite…"we do things legally" KEK…since when eh? (please review all evil illegal acts by Republicans…they're all vile and the only way to get the money changers out of the Temple appears to be with a whip.


I am not advocating for or against violence (but I'd have zero problems with the Clinton's plane going down with ALL and I mean ALL of them on board due to mechanical failure)..but I have wondered…I read a lot of books…and at least in book world there are people who deal with people like this…


just wondering.

Anonymous ID: e2f0b8 Nov. 18, 2018, 5:15 p.m. No.3955534   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>We have no reason to fear those combined armies

KEK…I'm pretty sure getting the German Army to be on board with the French…that will be funny. The French will be like…OH is time for wine and cheese, post the white flag and let's take a little break…maybe i'm wrong..cause the German Army is probably shite too. The Brits will never have a powerful army again (not that this is a bad thing)…if YOU were a Brit military officer whose platoon is made up of 15 men named Mohammad, 5 named Nigel and 20 named Fareed….would YOU turn your back on them?

Anonymous ID: e2f0b8 Nov. 18, 2018, 5:17 p.m. No.3955555   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Mexicans are racists

THIS is unironically true. THEY HATE blacks…the darker your skin the lower you are on the power pole…it's strange, India is like that too. I wonder if our genetic memory has some distant memory of a dark race of nasty ass aliens ….nah…