Anonymous ID: 56b470 Feb. 16, 2018, 3:19 a.m. No.395627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5636 >>5638 >>5687

New (old) media theme: Grab the guns!


We might need to break out some "dictators prefer an unarmed populace" memes.

Anonymous ID: 56b470 Feb. 16, 2018, 3:21 a.m. No.395631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5737 >>5787

Been working on this. Looking for comments and criticism. I have more, but not ready for publication. Need sauce for it, but this is from my memoryfag powers.


>Why is everything 'really' made in China?

There are several reasons for this.

  1. China is already an oligarchy (a small number at the top run the country). This matches the desires of the Cabal, and they can work with a few more in the top ranks, at least for a while.

  2. The Chinese culture is corrupt. This is evidenced by the tankers that are blatantly supplying NK in the middle of the sea as seen by satellite photos.

  3. The corruption in China allows the Cabal to send money over there with the semblance of legitimacy. It is money laundering on an industrial level.

  4. It takes jobs and capabilities away from the USA. The USA and Western Europe must be defeated for the Cabal to cut the world population to 1/10th of its current size. The people of the US will not allow this. Moving manufacturing to China prevents any real opposition from the people.

  5. China is mostly undeveloped. There are a lot of resources in China that can be exploited, and having their own manufacturing nearby, the cabal can take advantage of this once the USA and Europe are reduced to rubble. Remember, the plan was to start a nuclear war.

>Cost savings?

No. It probably cost more to set up in China, and slave labor is not productive at all. It is probably cheaper and easier to manufacture in the US and West Eur due to the infrastructure alone.

>Why is POTUS focused on SA/CHINA/RUSSIA?

The cabal is strong in these countries. Whether or not Putin or Mohammed bin Salman are corrupt (or even Xi), the power structure in each of these is a small group of people with nearly absolute control over the nation. It is cheap to buy off these countries, if you pay the money to the right people. So, where do you focus? On the home bases of the enemy.


For energy, wealth, influence, and population, these three countries allow the control of an inordinately large number of things along with the US. Also, MbS and Putin are almost assuredly working with POTUS to bring down the cabal. Xi may also be working with POTUS on this. If POTUS showed them evidence, and they themselves were not part of the "final plan," these figureheads could assert their power with the US's backing and truly MAGA in their own backyards. I believe this about MbS and Putin, and I hope it is true of Xi, too; however, I have dealt with the Chinese too many times to actually trust anything they say or do, and only believe half of what I can prove they have already done.


Because the cabal is strong there. They are also already committed to this plan because it was their "insurance policy." If they change now, then all of their work is lost, and the American people will see that the "Russia Collusion" attempt was dishonest from the outset.


Russia has long been the bad guy in America. As far back as 1950, Russia/USSR has been held up as the anti-American threat. The US people are predisposed to think of Russia as the bad guy, and the only place capable enough to spy on the USA.

Anonymous ID: 56b470 Feb. 16, 2018, 3:31 a.m. No.395644   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"The Central Intelligence Agency said yesterday that it has the right to disclose

classified information to selected journalists and then to withhold the same information from

others under the Freedom of Information Act."


From your article, above. That is absolute bullshit. The whole point is that classified means

it cannot be disclosed to anyone who does not have the need to know. FOIA or not. It is not the

call for the CIA or any government agency to make. POTUS decides what to declassify (or his assigns).