>What else might (23) refer to?
>Twelve moves ahead
of 11-11 is 11-23, a Friday (Black Friday)
Mention earlier of 10 days ending on 11-23, clock in (pb).
Not an intended proof, not trying to prove. Just thinking out loud
>What else might (23) refer to?
>Twelve moves ahead
of 11-11 is 11-23, a Friday (Black Friday)
Mention earlier of 10 days ending on 11-23, clock in (pb).
Not an intended proof, not trying to prove. Just thinking out loud
>>3956347 ← this Anon's right
If words on a screen can split a marriage, it wasn't wrapped too tightly to begin with. A TV show could have done the same by that logic.
Q hasn't made any anon do anything anon didn't want to do. Suggestions, yes. No force.
>Contrary to popular opinion on this board, Q predicting the final senate seating arrangement is not a good thing. I wonder how many of you even thought of the ramifications of this. Does your vote count? Did they know or arrange Trumps victory? Did they arrange the Senate outcome? The house? Q also mentioned the Senate matters, but not the house. Intentionally lose the house? Why aren't orange County republicans fighting their losses? No way democrats made that many inroads to that republican stronghold. This should alarm everyone here, but won't. You will say it's part of the plan or concernfag. So far the plan is chaos. It looks to be as many Q skeptics claim.
>Who here can spell out this plan with specifics?
>No one. So shut hell up with your know it all attitude or make a prediction of worth of your own. Ask Q next time how 53-47 was known. The answer should definitely make you angry.
Or, the tech necessary to accurately predict the outcome exists. If this the case, and said tech was used, I'm not sure my brain could spell out the apecifics of such a fluid (by necessity) plan. Or I'm just too drained right now to answer all of these questions at once.
I don't know why that makes sense yet it does. Have posited before that the fist (post) shall be last. Last posts [self destruction]
I'm in the right bread. Thank you Anon
The marker on the side of the road is not the destination. It's only a sign of going in the right direction. Or of going in the wrong direction.
Still there in the DOJ, true. Also true, Rosenstein said goodbye to the Mueller investigation. His services are no longer needed there.
>Anon- been working a theory re: Mayan Calendar having to do with 12-21-12 and the time the anti-christ/satan has dominion over the earth.
>Can't quite make it all work.
>What am I missing? Can you assist?
Add 5 years. Then think EO. The Antichrist (many, legion, not 1 single entity) is revealing itself every day since then. Those who scream the loudest…