Anonymous ID: 8a1611 Nov. 18, 2018, 8:13 p.m. No.3957406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7420 >>7430

>>3956972 pb

Don't know about the Mayan calendar, but Hebrew calender is off 219 years. The keys of Jesus return are in the Book of Daniel (his dreams) in combo with past and current events.

In Dan 9:24 - The command to build the temple, not temple, but actually a tabernacle was March 10th, 2018. The tabernacle is currently under construction under the Dome of the Rock. The exact spot that Adam and Eve were created and the exact spot that Moses built the first alter. Israel has already completed all of the items and a portable alter. They are eyeing several red heifers. They have 70 weeks (490 days) to make amends. Then, they have 123 days, then 74 days, then 7 days. Then ? days.

In Daniel 12:7, what is a time, times, and a half? It's all there in the Book of David in combination with Revelation. Compare to events. Who was "Little Horn"? What happened in Israel March 21, 2013?

I believe that as we draw nearer to the end, that we will have, not necessarily the exact day, but I believe the year has been revealed. What else could Q's 4.10.20 mean? Happens to be Passover.


Red Heifer- A few months ago, they thought that they had found the perfect, unblemished one, but nada, had about three white hairs.

Now this one…

Anonymous ID: 8a1611 Nov. 18, 2018, 9:02 p.m. No.3957797   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's sad that the bad ones are always grouped with the good ones. All Jews are not bad, just like all Blacks or Whites or Muslims are not bad. All of us have been lied to by the evil powers. They have divided all of us with religions and non-religions to use for their bidding. Research all of the religions with your heart and mind.

Read the Bible, read the Quran, and the others. Personally, I chose Christianity. If you read the Bible and happen to read a verse that you interpret that God is telling you to kill someone, you are misinterpreting it because God gave us the 10 Commandments and the 6th Commandment is THOU SHALL NOT KILL. God loves everyone, yet He hates evil acts.

Anyway, without preaching, I just gonna say that because the Jews did not believe that Jesus was here, their punishment is that they will be servants in and around the temple during the 1000 year reign.

Jesus was a Jew and most definitely does not want you to hate Jews. Just sharpen a fork and gooch the bad ones with the Holy Spirit.

Question: Slaves? If you love your neighbor as yourself, will you treat a "slave" badly? Or was a slave supposed to be treated fairly as an employee? Ever wonder where the "employees" were in the Bible?