As someone who came here as an atheist who is now more of a confused agnostic after reading all this crap from you faggots, I find it amazing how much dissension there is among those who claim to be patriots.
If I can tolerate or accept the constant profession of faith, scripture quotes, Jewish defenders, anti semites, cabal fanatics, !Q-aholics, clockfags, planefags, muh aliens, muh bewbs, muh stfu…, then surely you guys can just relax for a little bit, while those in control do their jobs and prepare for the next offensive.
And don't always assume that we are the troops going into the battle, we may just be the decoys. Either way each of us has a role to play and if you respect the cause and believe in the cause then respect the ones that fight with you.
I don't say this standing on top of a soap box of morality. There is plenty of room for improvement for me in area. Which probably how I ended up here. Might be how we all ended up here.
Seems to me this would be a great time for everyone to STFU and do a little RECON…