Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 18, 2018, 11:30 p.m. No.3958559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8573 >>8788 >>9249


>>3955259 PB


Ok Anons: Jeffrey Epstein you say? Look up Peter Nygard. Bahamas/Canada GO! I note all of these fuckers are into "stem cell research" Abortion much?




So I went searching.


Peter Nygard: Bahama's Answer to Jeffrey Epstein


This is Part I; Part II with a video is attached.


Most of the material I found was not brand new, except for one very recent news item discussed below. Although much of the source material is not current, the issue matters because—as the anon above points out—Nygard is an influential billionaire in the Jeffrey Epstein mold. Like Epstein, he has an exotic celebrity getaway in a remote location and a history of being suspected of having sex with underage girls, rape, trafficking and even murder; he also has his own 747. He also has an obsession with living forever, and since 2013, has gotten laws passed in the Bahamas that enable one of his companies, Nygard Biotech, to do the kind of stem cell research that is prohibited in the US or Canada for ethical reasons (Nygard is a Canadian citizen). In summary, Nygard combines a complete lack of moral values with an relentless desire to find the secret of eternal life, no matter the cost.


More sauce on Nygard’s arrogance and abysmally poor treatment of others:


Makers of the CBC Fifth Estate documentary “Larger than Life” reports that “Peter Nygard also has faced a string of complaints from airline staff, fashion models and even women as young as 16… the long and short of it is he is an abusive “rapist” who hides behind a team of lawyers and basically gets away with whatever he wants to do. The allegation of rape comes from a young woman who was once a guest on Nygard’s estate but has since gone missing. Nygard’s lawyers claim there was no foul play, but the girl hasn’t been seen since.


(see attached article by “Cee Cee,” from a website deemed “unsafe”; I got out quick and didn’t get a full cite, but if you’re feeling brave, try


According to a 2010 Forbes article:


Allegations of sexual harassment have dogged Nygård for years. An investigative news program, aired by the Canadian Broadcasting Company in April, dredged up recent claims by former employees, many of whom focused on his alleged fiery temper. A former stewardess on his private plane told of one incident in which Nygård was accompanied by a bevy of topless women. At one point midflight, she recalls, Nygård, wild-haired and with his bathrobe open, began berating her co-worker, yelling, "You are nothing! You are garbage!" When the stewardess tried to calm him down, he screamed, "I am God! Do you not understand!?" Even after the security director intervened, she claims, Nygård continued to rage, shouting: "This is my plane. I can do whatever the hell I want!" Nygård told the CBC the incident never happened.


More sauce on Nygard’s unethical research using embryonic stem cells:


Nygard is every author’s idea of an evil visionary literally seeking to “live forever” by combining stem cell research with genome sequencing (research not legal in the US, so he moved to the Bahamas). The video he produced in 2014 is breathtaking in its ability to show the mocking, arrogant face of the Deep State tempting watchers to abandon their ethics in exchange for a longer lifespan (see video in attached Post). Use this video to RED PILL anyonewatch who doesn’t believe there are really evil people using science for nefarious purposes. (Here’s the link, video is in an attached SECOND POST).


Nygard as a Boss


His current ratings on Glass Door confirm the fact that Nygard continues to be a terrible employer; people speak in 2018 of being bullied by managers who make them feel like “prisoners” and even “slaves.” (see attached)


Oct 2018: Nygard Locked Out Due to Legal Troubles


Nygard recently made the news when he was locked out of his luxury mansion on Cay Nygard, because of his refusal to pay the legal expenses of Save the Bays, an environmental group who sued him over his excessive dredging (which essentially doubled his acreage), which they claimed damaged local coral beds. This guy almost certainly has the cash, he just won’t fork over, probably due to his colossal arrogance.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 18, 2018, 11:34 p.m. No.3958573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8611 >>8681 >>8788 >>9249



Part II: Stem Cell Research at Nygard Biotech


I found this video INCREDIBLY CREEPY–listen to voice of narrator. But it’s instructive. Shows us the naked, mocking face of the DS. Use to RED PILL people who think the DS is a figment of your imagination!


Video Notes:


U. of Oregon: human stem cells transformed into human embryonic cells stripped of their DNA. Process = SCNT. Quantum leap forward in the reversal of aging. Unlike in the past, this process does not cause tissue rejection.


SCNT vs IPS approach: SCNT is better "if we could ever get past the religious objections." (SCNT means growing human embryos for purposes of experimentation.)


His company Nygard Biotech does stem cell research designed to reverse aging.


"This is a game changer. Could eliminate all disease…I want to live forever or die trying."


He has his own line of embryonic stem cells (made from his own DNA–anyone want to get some DNA from Nygard??)


Formed a partnership with Chinese Co. BGI, the world leader in genome sequencing. With his own company plus SCNT, "he would possess both the technology to target future health risks and correct them before they ever happen."


Had to go outside the US to do his research. Prime Minister Perry Christie the Bahamas. welcomed him with open arms, where SCNT has now become legal.


He plans to build the first "state of the art clinic to integrate genomic sequencing and SCNT technology, free of political restriction and years ahead of its time. This will be the first of many Nygard clinics [around the world].


"The time has come, the future is now."

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 18, 2018, 11:41 p.m. No.3958600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8614 >>8617 >>8631 >>8635 >>8694 >>8742 >>8987 >>9125 >>9147 >>9270



I've noticed systematic attacks on this board on the work of David Wilcock, Corey Goode, and Jordan Sather.


I wouldn't mind real critiques, but always the attacks take the most controversial aspects of Corey's work–his connection with a higher being that he calls a Blue Avian–and fails to look at the most important message:


that human being needs to come together, love one another, and work to defeat the forces that divide us.


Corey has said dozens of times not to focus on "big blue birds"–he's not an idiot–but rather to focus on the message above and on the suppression of technologies that rightfully belong to all of us, the American people.


I do not know whether all the things that any of these parties say are not true, somewhat true, or 100% true. But I do know that Donald Trump is very, very interested in a Space Force. And I know I've heard some very credible sources on David W's show, Cosmic Disclosure, primarily military personnel–and we all know that these are not the type to fantasize about flying sauces or aliens.


So stop using ridicule and start using reasoned arguments if you seek to question this particular points of view.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 18, 2018, 11:47 p.m. No.3958623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8638 >>8650



Why? If Q tells us the cosmos is vast, then why are the arguments of people like Wilcock et al nonsensical?


How much do you know about this topic? Are you sincere? If so, you'll be able to explain your reasons precisely and logically, not just to make fun of people and expect everyone to go along.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 18, 2018, 11:52 p.m. No.3958633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8640 >>8646 >>8655 >>8768 >>8896 >>9191




Last night was when I really became aware of just how many attacks on Goode and Wilcock are happening. They always take the same form: show stupid pics of big blue chickens and ridicule the messengers instead of using any kind of argument against them.


They are controversial, but so is the idea of a space force. And so is the idea that "we are not alone." Many anons–especially those who are especially religious or have very traditional outlooks–find this stuff hard to deal with.


But whatever is true, is true. I don't know the answers but I'm not putting up with shills who malign people by ridiculing them. They can make sense or gtfo!!!

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 18, 2018, 11:56 p.m. No.3958645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8649 >>8664



Yes, I understand, but you are citing one side of the story. As you no doubt know, Project Avalon has their beliefs and Michael Salla, Laura Eisenhauer, Jordan Sather, Pete Peterson, Emery Smith, Bill Thompson, and David Adair (plus others) have theirs.


There's a very big divide in the UFO community just now over many ideas, not just over Corey. It's an old community and they've had shills working to divide them a lot longer than we have.


So by all means, bring your arguments. I've listened to some on the other side and find the Goode/Wilcock side more compelling at this time.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 12:06 a.m. No.3958675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8693



I call BS on the money part. Is there anybody among us that doesn't need to provide for themselves, provide for their family?


Everyone on youtube is selling toothpaste, health foods, or survival gear because they've all be de-monetized. Are they sellouts, too??


You want a dig? I'm already involved in two or three of them. I'm busy all day with that.


You go do a dig and bring back the evidence that you think will convince people, if it matters that much to you to discredit these ideas.


I've been investigating that topic for two years now. I'm satisfied with my conclusions at this point–which are mainly that these are interesting ideas that have yet to be confirmed based on my own experience.


But I have no desire to compel people to adopt the same ideas I have adopted. I just want to hear well-reasoned arguments rather than insults in support of whatever position you want to take.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 12:10 a.m. No.3958690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8696



Yes, and that is why I wanted to stay current on all the space stuff–because it looks like something is going down. Why did POTUS mention the space force over and over and over again in rallies? I sure don't know. But I can't believe there was no reason. Why did Q decide to answer an anon's question about whether we are alone? He/They could have easily skipped it.


It's an important topic. But best if we ALL do our own research–by reading, watching videos, or whatever, so we have some idea of the different perspectives in the UFO community, so we're not totally blown away if somebody decides to red pill us in a big way.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 12:12 a.m. No.3958697   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Of course Q is here for the truth or else I wouldn't be. But Q will never take offense to someone putting the truth first. Sometimes Q is here and sometimes Q is silent. But the truth is always here; Q helps us find it.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 12:17 a.m. No.3958716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8718 >>8733 >>8738



In case you haven't noticed, their new film is getting rave reviews. They don't need the Good Anon Seal of Approval.


And David has been following Q from the beginning, he's not just using Q to shill their film.


Why do you care, anyway?

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 12:22 a.m. No.3958727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8755



Redpilling people about ETs is….difficult. (And we though FISA was bad.) I had a discussion with a Christian about the "vastness of space" drop and he/she was pretty shaky. Corey is a Christian but he would have had to figure a way to reconcile that with other experiences (even if those experiences are, say, a delusion). The point is that this stuff is pretty shocking when it becomes real. Not easy. Talking about it can help.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.3958731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8743



Then go out and do the research and come back and educate all of us. But make sure you look at all sides. You can't just cite the people you agree with and fail to address opposing arguments if you want to change somebody's mind.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 12:31 a.m. No.3958746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8807



I totally agree. I don't give a damn about whether we talk about UFOs here. It's too often like talking about religion, where people are trying to convince somebody of something they can't prove. That doesn't make sense.


At the same time, I don't have to put up with shills–or just negative people who have nothing better to do–attacking something or somebody using ridicule and innuendo instead of doing research, pointing out different positions, arguing pros and cons, and citing (and evaluating) sources, using various criteria.


Anything else is just BS.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 12:37 a.m. No.3958757   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yes, I think I started noticing it two nights ago, when pics of blue chickens started appearing in connection with Corey's name.


I don't get emotionally triggered but this kind of attack. But by demanding arguments, I can find out more about who is attacking.


So far, they get a C-, because all they're doing is trying to ridicule ME–haha–and not coming up with any good arguments at all.


The "they make money" thing is not very compelling, either.


If they're going to shill, they should at least be at the top of their game. Not lazy shills who think they can take us down without even doing the work.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 12:45 a.m. No.3958776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8783 >>8848



Let's see…


First, yes you're right, there's plenty of negativity here, people often express frustration over various things–Q is gone, when is FISA happened, etc.


But argumentation itself does not have to be negative or the result of being triggered. It can be quite stimulating, especially when the participants are motivated and do not take things personally.


I am having fun at the moment, if I didn't enjoy the argument, I'd stay away. You won't catch in discussing about joos, niggers, Khazarians, or whatever other boring shill-bait topics litter up the board.


But sometimes it's nice to say, "I see what you're doing. Do it better or do something else." Why makes their job easy? Make them work hard for their money!!!

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 12:53 a.m. No.3958802   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'm totally relaxed. Even got some popcorn (real physical stuff not metaphorical) right next to me.


Some of us can relax while we're working because we love what we do

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 12:57 a.m. No.3958818   🗄️.is 🔗kun



That really is a strange message, isn't it? Sounds like it's from a second grade teacher: "I'm proud of you."


I wonder what she thinks he ought be "doing next"?

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 1 a.m. No.3958826   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I don't know that POTUS is going to have to do anything except just sit back and watch the bloodbath. The Dems are much better at tearing each other to shreds than we are. (Just ask the Menshiviks.)


Ocasio-Cortez is going to be such a blessing….

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 1:26 a.m. No.3958905   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This guy Daniel Best looks like someone who really cares, looks like he must have found out something he wasn't supposed to. God rest his soul. These agencies are still full of vipers, POTUS can only clean them out so fast. (Let's hope there's plenty of sealed indictments to go round.)

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 1:31 a.m. No.3958921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8925 >>8926



Well, I just watched and waited awhile when the blue chickens started showing up. Anons CAN get spooked by some of this space stuff, but the posters here didn't sound scared they sounded shilly!


Now they can go back to the office and say, "Looks like the blue chicken stuff isn't working. What have ya got now?"

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 1:37 a.m. No.3958932   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is RR's speech?

Geez…so our theme this year is innovation, eh? And the rule of law.


Something about RR giving a speech on law and order strikes me as really funny. It reminds me of how Trump brought Rod to that mtg of law enforcement officials in FL last month. And now he's giving speech on law and order.


"When we follow the rule of law, it does not always yield the outcome that we prefer."


You tell 'em, Rod!!

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 1:41 a.m. No.3958941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8947 >>8957 >>9056



I watched a lot of David Icke at the beginning, in part because he comes up a lot in youtube videos. Learned a lot from him, but nobody has everything right.


I echo what you say exactly: listen to a lot of people, don't judge too quick, and don't worry about the stuff you disagree with.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 2:16 a.m. No.3959032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9040



I'm not sure I see what you're getting at. But what I noticed is that as soon as the Above Majestic film came out, there was suddenly a lot of shill type stuff posted here in opposition. If that film has nothing to look at, why shill it? ("nothing t o see here").


Nobody was replying much to it much. Sometimes, silence implies consent (either that, or the inability to defend). Let them defend their arguments if they can. As for anons, we will all have to bend to adjust to whatever the truth turns out to be. The more open we are, the easier it is to bend.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 2:46 a.m. No.3959089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9103



What you have stated is an opinion, not a fact.


If you want to convince me to adopt your view, you will have to explain what specifically about the film makes its content "shill type stuff." Shills come here to impede the flow of information in various ways. They do it on purpose, to interfere, that's their job.


But content is not necessarily shilly, even if it's wrong. It's shilly is it's deliberately designed to misinform, prevent communication, etc. And you may well believe that what you see in the film fits that description. But that does not mean you are correct.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 2:56 a.m. No.3959106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9115



This discussion has gone full circle. It started when I said to an anon "I'm am here for the truth, not to please Q"–which is true. I am here to work, to serve some purpose that is greater than I can easily grasp. I don't expect to know everything in the end, it doesn't matter. It's an honor to be here, to dig, to encourage, to converse. That's enough for me.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 3:11 a.m. No.3959139   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Actually not true, if I recall right. I just looked it up because some guy at the hardware store was sure it was illegal to collet rain water. Look it up yourself and see.

Anonymous ID: e5406a Nov. 19, 2018, 3:42 a.m. No.3959211   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's what Bill Tompkins said. The closest I ever had to a UFO encounter was a very vivid dream with human-looking figures on a craft. They were friends.


Thx for replying, controversial topic. Time for sleep, blessings to all.