Anonymous ID: fd0b5d Nov. 19, 2018, 3:20 a.m. No.3959160   🗄️.is 🔗kun



By Mark Hay


Nov 15 2018, 1:25pm

The Strange, Centuries-Long History of Satanic Pedophile Panics


Modern-day conspiracy theories like Pizzagate and 'QAnon' have roots that stretch back to medieval Europe.


"GASLIGHT" = ( Article) - about Qanon & Qresearch

(watch the clip from the movie)

To (((them))) you are Ingrid Bergman, (((they))) are Charles Boyer (her husband).

To (((them))) you are "crazy" → (((they))) write the "story", (((they))) make the "rules", (((they))) "tell" you what's "real", (((they))) will tell you what to "think" & when to "think it.


(((They))) say:

"You didn't just see that, you're imagining things, your mind is playing tricks on you."

(Those bldgs on 9/11 didn't "really" fall at the speed of gravity, you're just imagining things - you know how "suggestible" you can be. No, it doesn't matter that you understand the Laws of Physics - they don't apply here, you're hysterical, calm down & take this sedative.)

"There's no conspiracy. Those are just coincidences. Nobody could keep all those secrets."

"You're talking crazy. What you say these people are doing is too fantastic to believe - NOBODY could be that EVIL, who's gonna believe you anyway."

"You're not one of THOSE people, are you? → The one's who believe those fairy-tale conspiracies?"

"You know, humans are pattern-recognition animals don't you? You're seeing what you want to see. It's not "really" a pattern - you're just IMAGINING it is."


"You know EVERYBODY thinks you're crazy don't you?"

"Just give it up & go back to sleep, peasant."


To (((them))) → YOU & I are Ingrid Bergman:

And what SCARES THE LIVING HELL OUTTA (((them))), is:

(((They))) Know there are those of US who Know.