Hate to burst your bubble, but Q is here to run a Psyop. Whether or not that contains the truth will never be revealed officially.
I'm not saying that Q is a negative Psyop, on the contrary.
What I'm saying is that expecting direct confirmation of all "truth" isn't the way this will play out. It's clearly stated that you must uncover the truth organically, the shits classified for a reason.
I don't ever see our Government directly confirming this operation, if that were the case then they could have done that way before now. If classified Intel gets out prior to a declass, it will be considered a leak and that isn't lawful.
If the plan is to send us to court so the can have a discovery process and find classified info, have us defend ourselves like Kavanaugh against a smear campaign then I'll probably not trust another government agency in my life. I would understand the usefulness of such a thing, but I would want to be filled in on the habbenings prior to an FBI raid on my house or something. Like, I'll meet you at Walmart parking lot or something like that. Some of the drops aren't talking to the bad guys, they are talking to you.