This is why the Jew picked the Chinese to be their number one slaves and is finished with white people. Whites are rebels and aggressive. Chinese take orders very very well.
This is why the Jew picked the Chinese to be their number one slaves and is finished with white people. Whites are rebels and aggressive. Chinese take orders very very well.
Learn about Mao and his Jesuit handlers….learn what the Jesuits really are. Learn about Yale and the original Jew Pirates. Skull and Bones. Learn about the "Black Dutch"(Jews)
Anon….the Jews run China and have for a long fucking time.
If this starts it will be time to do something else. We have to stop the Vaccine shit.
Trust nothing….read as much as you can and use your God given disernment. Nothing else to tell you. We have no reason to trust anything without lots of mental inquiry.
Was last night when my wife was rubbing my balls. Other than that I dont know what to tell you.
Disinformation is necessary. Everyone in MI would tell you that. How else to you sneak up on the enemy.
And he means the normie Jews.
ZOG is entirely different. KEK
But you know all that. Your just shilling.
The perfect tool for the Jew. It is why the Jew chose China to force America to give all their wealth to. Long term planning.
America will be drained of everything then let just blow away in the wind.
Or so they thought.
Use your mind…use disernment. Think what you want. Attempt to join your understanding to reality. That is all conciousness is. How well to you understand the actual truth.
All stereotypes have a grain of truth. Or else it would not hurt.
Jews get stereotyped because millions are exactly what the stereotype says they are.
Trumps job is to soften the blow on the normie Jew by being a strongman that everyone respects. OUR job is to break the mind control.
If you do not like that. I dont know what to tell you.
Q is run by Marines that are putting us through a Boot Camp. Getting us all on the same page. Knocking our differences off. They steer the board through subtle tactics.
When a subject keeps getting pushed you can assume it is shills OR……..we are being herded toward something Q wants us to know.
Anyone that has spent a year on here should know this by now.
Shills could be the Marines as well. Giving us a strong spine and teaching us all the tactics and insults the enemy will throw at us.
We are here to learn. To honestly become one of their soldiers.
You all understand this now?
Tell me some people actually fucking understand what is happening yet?
You never read the stuff about a year ago on here about the Marines preparing for WW3 and saying it was going to be a internet war. You never read all the stuff posted about the Marines using psyops? Some of the shit was written by Micheal Satan Aquino himself.
Spooky shit that.
However if you do not think the Marines put this together and are pushing a hyper male climate your dumb as a box of rocks.
The Marines have two hundred years learning how to control young men and knowing what they like. Young men like tits. Young men like jokes.
They have us all yell Nigger nigger and fag fag because if you cant get past this PC mind control you cant likely help them much.
So they pushed nigger nigger and fag fag.
And they give us tits and ass when it gets boring and shilly.
Because they know what young men like.
And remember it is not anti woman. However the facts are the marines need the most aggressive people and in our species the young male is the most aggressive. SO they intentionally attracted males.
Think about it. They told us this over and over again. The truth is there to see. THE WHOLE thing is a military operation.
Anyone think Connie Rice probably is the same as Big Mike. A dude play acting as a woman?
Yeah I think so. Maybe I am wrong about a little bit. Or maybe not actually wrong but refusing to play along when perhaps I should get with the program. Over all I think I am solid.
I will peruse it. Looks interesting.
Any reason Jane Roberts has the tell tale Mkultra Hillary Clinton weak eye?
I think they want him to have a trial and be very public and have him be more visible and use the trial to red pill the shit out of people. Then find him innocent and he will be doing interviews on TV the next 30 years telling the world how fucked it all was before the Trumpian Era and freedom from ZOG.
Wow. Even if your fucking with me I like how you talk.
The Jew mind fucked the Vikings and you think they are asking for it?
When they begin to break the conditioning there will be hell to pay.