Anonymous ID: c966a7 Nov. 19, 2018, 8:29 a.m. No.3960768   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep infinite accounts.


ment Program


The Annual Auditing of herein Bank Accounts are hereby decided and reconsidered en banc to end and close and should be declared the actual balances of per account appeared herein into Infinite United States Dollar by virtue of the submitted memorandum of all Banking Institutions worldwide to end of conducting of audit and the deal for opening, processing and activating any of herein accounts should be formally discussed by the Host Government where ASBLP Accounts are allocated, its Host Government Authorized Representative, Philippine/US Government and King ASM and again said accounts are now forever and perpetually declared, reconsidered, re-certified and reconfirmed as Standard Fiduciary Accounts and cannot be forever deleted by any/all Authorities worldwide and we forever reconfirm and recognize all statement written in the Certificate of Time Deposits issued by this Institution with Reference no. WB-Philippines2000 to Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos dated September 10, 1976 for allocating the undisputed fiscal guaranteed balances per account and no other Recognized and Identified as Sole Authorized Party except King ASM with above given information and we furthermore noted that all previous incurred monetary balances per account will be forever vanished in all Physical Accounts and forever reconfirmed, reconsidered and declared its Actual and Legal Audit into Infinite United States Dollar due to its continuous maturity earnings under Approved Eternal Time Deposits:

North and South American Continents

  1. Special Federal Reserve Board (USA) Account no. 5525525424AM with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of US$ ∞ activated by US Treasury, US Federal Reserve and all Banks in the United States of America under the sole signing authority of King ASM and Account no. 77762534AM – 1 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of US$ ∞ confirmed as Eternal Deposit (while under time deposit, its principal balances and interest cannot be touched and/or loaned and/or programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years of maturity and upon maturity; 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall be automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until lasted for eternity.

  2. Bank of America (USA) Account no. 58453 – 02221 – 1 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances of US$ ∞ and Account no. 77762534AM – 2 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of US$ ∞ confirmed as Eternal Deposit (while under time deposit, its principal balances and interest cannot be touched and/or loaned and/or programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years of maturity and upon maturity; 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall be automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until lasted for eternity.

  3. Citibank (USA) Account no. 998552411 – 2212 with account name of Morning Star and with standing balances of US$ ∞ and Account no. 77762534AM – 2-1 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of US$ ∞ confirmed as Eternal Deposit (while under time deposit, its principal balances and interest cannot be touched and/or loaned and/or programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years of maturity and upon maturity; 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall be automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until lasted for eternity.

  4. Citibank (USA) Account no. 34P – 445412 – 201 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances of US$ ∞ and Account no. 77762534AM – 2-2 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of US$ ∞ confirmed as Eternal Deposit (while under time deposit, its principal balances and interest cannot be touched and/or loaned and/or programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years of maturity and upon maturity; 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall be automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until lasted for eternity.