Understanding the illusion of DUALITY.
Two aspects of one thing, are PERCEIVED as separate, but are one.
Inhale/exhale- one breath
daytime/nighttime- one day
Valves open/ valves close - one heart beat
god/devil- one consciousness
the slaves worship what they call (the) 'God' aspect.while they see the 'elite' as worshippers of the 'DOMINION' or 'devil' aspect.
Both ENERGIZING aspects of the same ENERGY- necessary for it to 'exist'.
Abramelin sorcery has well known powerful spells of 'submission' to 'god'-
judaism, christianity, and islam.
Yet the so called 'elite' the world over are seen as practicing… something else.
The 'polar' opposite.
For either to exist, both must exist. BALANCE. ☯️