Anonymous ID: 3782cd Nov. 19, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.3962042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2077 >>2093 >>2265


People who use an actions/outcome based evaluation of good/evil aren't really looking at things at a conceptual level.


I will reference Tales of Berseria, again. The team is composed of a group fighting for "chaos" because "order" has decided that the individual will must be eliminated for there to be peace and lasting order.


Thus, the "demons" are the good guys. They choose, of their own free will, to associate with each other, to support each other, and to save the world. It is a selfish desire to do something for another person that drives them. Or… The selfish desire for revenge that drives them to blow up a port.


Ultimately - the good vs evil divide, I argue, rests on whether one values others in the world, or whether one considers them subservient to their own desired ends. That is something which holds true regardless of how the world works or what the objective of our instance of existence is.


A good person in an online game values the others in the game. An evil person does not. How that manifests depends on the game… Or the situation in the real world, but seems fairly universal.

Anonymous ID: 3782cd Nov. 19, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.3962090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2132


Q has said that timing is everything. We often assume that someone who is preventing x, y, or z from being done when we want it done implies they are against us. If we expand our thinking, then we realize that some people will be in place specifically to keep those who are not fully aware of the plan from acting too quickly. Delay lines, resistors, diodes, etc are all a functioning part of a circuit.


Q also said "dirty" - this is distinct from "bad." Dirty can be cleaned. Dirt is dirt. Good people sometimes get dirty in the line of duty.

Anonymous ID: 3782cd Nov. 19, 2018, 11:16 a.m. No.3962193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2214


Intelligence/sentience is what it is and the moral guidelines apply to anything organic, synthetic, or divine.


Now, we could argue that a crocodile is evil - but we also accept that it is not capable of reflecting on its own behavior and reasoning.


What many people, today, are calling an AI is little more than an overclocked crocodile in terms of intelligence. Even the stuff that can "talk" and "mimic emotions" - under the hood, it is just a highspeed crocodile hunting a string output.


That is how I view existing and proposed AI… Just increasingly overclocked crocodiles with bolted on backhoes or RPGs. Capable of hunting - but everything is a hunt, even the things made constructive by cleverly suiting it up into constructive attachments.

Anonymous ID: 3782cd Nov. 19, 2018, 11:30 a.m. No.3962343   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm not so sure she is "ours" - but she is certainly not a typical millennial. She may be playing to that idea - but you don't get into that kind of position by being "typical."


She may simply not be "theirs." The democrat party is built like a massive circle jerk of mob affiliations. It's modern academia - sits in a room huffing its own farts and certifying each other's vapid value.


Having people who are outside of that club in positions of power within the party is even worse than losing it to a republican. They might expose corruption in the party, particularly if they have some sincerity in their heart.


Not sure if she does - I have paid almost zero attention to her, but just throwing my own observation of the attacks on her out there. I think the dem party doesn't want her. They want the narrative, but the voters got squirrelly on them and went for someone outside of the mafia.

Anonymous ID: 3782cd Nov. 19, 2018, 11:35 a.m. No.3962395   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Overclocked crocodiles are effectively a weapon loosed on a problem or task. They are wielded by some other intelligence and are not truly their own.