Anonymous ID: 301306 Nov. 19, 2018, 11:50 a.m. No.3962522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2541

***Alert-OVER TARGET-Alert


In Bread #2053 (early Sunday), a triggered Zionist Shill replied to the Bread Notables with:

"attention: baker is comp'd or retarded", and ranted against what the Baker put in the Notables.


*What did the Baker put in that Bread ? 15 Excellent Links to Evidence showing Zionist Cabal Organized Crimes against America.


23 hours later, in Bread #5035, a shill attacks that same Bread AGAIN, whining:

"I see the muhJoos shit from 5023 and 5024 was allowed to remain in the bread."


Notice the arrogance of challenging the Baker with "allowed to remain in the bread."

As in: How dare you allow Evidence of our Organized Crimes in the Notables!


*Bread #5023 is sooo threatening to (((them))) that their shill did a follow-up attack against it. (like a Wrap-Up Smear)


*Bread #5023 Notables Hit A Bullseye !! It may be worthy someday of it's own Display in the future Q Museum. Especially after POTUS reveals "Who Did 9/11".

Let's all go back and read this Special Bread again, Bookmark, send the link to your frens, Print it out for Posterity:


What they try to Censor MOST is what we should Double Down on :)

ThanQ to our fabulous Bakers!

Anonymous ID: 301306 Nov. 19, 2018, 11:53 a.m. No.3962541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2782


Oops it's Bread# 5023

***Alert-OVER TARGET-Alert


In Bread #5023 (early Sunday), a triggered Zionist Shill replied to the Bread Notables with:

"attention: baker is comp'd or retarded", and ranted against what the Baker put in the Notables.


*What did the Baker put in that Bread ? 15 Excellent Links to Evidence showing Zionist Cabal Organized Crimes against America.


23 hours later, in Bread #5035, a shill attacks that same Bread AGAIN, whining:

"I see the muhJoos shit from 5023 and 5024 was allowed to remain in the bread."


Notice the arrogance of challenging the Baker with "allowed to remain in the bread."

As in: How dare you allow Evidence of our Organized Crimes in the Notables!


*Bread #5023 is sooo threatening to (((them))) that their shill did a follow-up attack against it. (like a Wrap-Up Smear)


*Bread #5023 Notables Hit A Bullseye !! It may be worthy someday of it's own Display in the future Q Museum. Especially after POTUS reveals "Who Did 9/11".

Let's all go back and read this Special Bread again, Bookmark, send the link to your frens, Print it out for Posterity:


What they try to Censor MOST is what we should Double Down on :)

ThanQ to our fabulous Bakers!

Anonymous ID: 301306 Nov. 19, 2018, 12:10 p.m. No.3962677   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What Is Tisha B'Av?

"Both Holy Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed on this date. The First Temple was burned by the Babylonians in 423 BCE (read more) and the Second Temple fell to the Romans in 70 CE (read more), unleashing a period of suffering from which our nation has never fully recovered."

from which our nation has never fully recovered

"Later on in our history, many more tragedies happened on this day, including the 1290 expulsion of England’s Jews and the 1492 banishment of all Jews from Spain."

expulsion, banishment of all Jews

"It is also customary to perform Kiddush Levanah at this point, celebrating the rebirth of the moon, and our hoped-for national rebirth."

our hoped-for national rebirth


Trump announced to take charge of OUR country….. he meant national rebirth of America!


**"If I'm elected, you'll find out

Who Did 9/11


Disparaging Pres. Trump means only1 thing :)




Anonymous ID: 301306 Nov. 19, 2018, 12:21 p.m. No.3962782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2852


The term "muhjoo shill" is ONLY used by Zionist Shills


The term "muhjoo shills" is actually invented by Zionist Shills in a failing attempt to Censor the Truth about Organized Zionist Criminal Activities against the American people.


Desperately trying to ridicule any anon who exposes the Khazarian Zionist Organized Criminal Activities that have harmed Americans, by calling Patriotanons "muhjoo shills" or "bots".


The "muhjoo shill" inversion Trick are like those Jews who paint Swastikas on Synagogues, houses, and dorms. The world is aware of your tricks to frame Goyim.


Look who is always trying to Censor the Truth. and harrassing the Baker re: Notables "allowed to remain" – tells you OVER TARGET.


9/11 Truth → Soon



Anonymous ID: 301306 Nov. 19, 2018, 1 p.m. No.3963184   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We are talking about CRIMINAL Organized Zionist Cabal Jews.


Only Zionist/Israeli Shills try to deflect , dilute and diminish the immense damage done to Americans, and Zionist Crimes against Humanity that are now Public Knowledge.


0 evidence that Jared Kushner has done anything to destroy cabal.

He did pay waaay over market value to buy 666 Fifth Ave. (which he sold for optics)


You JIDF Israeli shills are grasping at straws.

Israeli Shills always call America First anons "shills"