Shipwrecked on Ten Islands with Clintons & Branson – Part II
August 16, 2018
Please read Part I first.
What is Going On At Comoros Islands?
part 2
Comoros is one of the islands on their list that they wish to bring renewable energy to. It actually consists of three islands, with the largest island being the main focus. It is located just off the coast of Africa between Tanzania and Mozambique, with a population of 800,000. Comoros is a Tier 3 Island, meaning they have a severe problem with child and human trafficking, and the U.S. may be restricting aid to them.
In fact, in the U.S. 2018 ‘Trafficking in Persons Report’, the government of Comoros has literally done little to nothing to help exploited children or prevent trafficking. This is the assessment:
“The Government of Comoros does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so; therefore Comoros remained on Tier 3. Despite the lack of significant efforts, the government took some steps to address trafficking by funding the salaries of new personnel at a listening center that provided assistance to victims and by adding a second emergency hotline to ensure crimes from all three islands could be reported. However, the government did not investigate, prosecute, or obtain convictions for any sex trafficking or forced labor crimes, including those committed by complicit officials.
Since 2014, it did not identify or refer any trafficking victims to protective services, and lacked formal procedures to do so. Authorities continued to lack an understanding of trafficking, and the government did not provide adequate resources or training to law enforcement officials, including the office charged with investigating child abuse and exploitation. The extensive use of mediation and financial settlements in lieu of investigation and prosecution of crimes resulted in the return of children to their alleged exploiters. The Anti-trafficking Task Force, which became operational in 2016, made no discernible efforts during the reporting period.”
That being said, there is something oddly strange when viewing this island via satellite. A pattern of trees planted to form what literally looks like a profile of a pigs head, along with some strange grid pattern of additional trees atop it. Located within it, there is another strange image of what would appear to be a very large disc-shaped reflective material with an opening in the center. It looks to be inset on a slight pitch into one of the crater-like mounds. Is it some sort of a solar device, missile launch site, or entrance to some peculiar underground area? Hard to say. If it is some sort of solar mechanism, the nearest home would appear to be quite a distance from it, located north, outside the main perimeter of trees, within its own square perimeter of trees. Going further north and just a hair west, up near the figure eight shaped crater-mound, there is another home with a purple roof. Both seem quite a distance from this reflective disc-shaped material.
The overall outline of the tree pattern spans roughly 2 miles, accounting for one heck of a lot of trees. The silver disc is approximately 130′ across based on google map’s measurements. There are very interesting crater-like mounds on the north end of it as well. This was once a volcanic island, so that may explain these inverted mounds?