The whole e mail is interdasting…
From: H []
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 11:40 PM
To: Lanny J. Davis
Subject: Re: "Let Them Eat Peas"
Priceless–and fitting–what goes around, comes around.
"Every poll shows 70 or 80 percent of the American people opposing the Republican priorities in protecting all
tax loopholes for the wealthy — how did the president manage to get the Republicans to be on the wrong side
of an 80-20 poll result?"
Silence in this imaginary room.
"There must be a sound bite that sums it all up — something that can win over independents, and the center-
right, center-left, putting us at the top of the triangle. Anyone have any ideas?"
" 'It's the economy, stupid.' "
"No, that's already been used."
"I've got the Republican slogan about budget cuts on the programs that the poor and the needy depend on."
" 'Let them eat cake!' "
UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05787077 Date: 10/30/2015
"No, that's already been used."
"So what? It fits, doesn't it? If Marie Antoinette were alive today, she'd be for Michele Bachmann!"
Laughter, high-fives.
"Well, I've got one for the president to tell the Republicans:
" 'Let them eat peas!' "
"Perfect!" All said in unison; high-fives around the room.