as an anon who is here a lot fuck you for posting this
the term zionist shill is only used by muhjoo shills
if there are any bots here its this one
bold is fine but she is not
she is a member of a very odd sect of
biblefags that speak in tounges and make pledges of loyalty inconsistent with rule of law and and treat women as 2nd class citizens
and she also wrote some log winded paper that supported bogus limits in POTUS powers - posted in bread a while back
no im not "in to it" but i do support liberty and personal choice in all matters esp ones own person/body
abortion is not pleasant but neither it a root canal - bible does nnot prohibit research for yourself
i understand that pro life is the only reason anyone would want this oddball in SCOTUS
its a big mistake just like pro life but i dont expect you to understand
bye now