Ivanka wasn’t taking bribes from SA or selling uranium to Russia.
I agree with your supposition. My irritation is with the twit from Phillip.
Had not thought of it in such light. Makes sense.
Refrigerators alway get vaporized in house fires. Sinks, toilets, and fancy granite countertops too.
Nothing odd about it.
Freedom of speech is for men, ebot. Women have said too much already and must ice their muscles of mastication.
Any anons ever wonder about the anomalous efficiency of the CO2 laser? Or why the original CO2 fluorescent lights required a complex valve to keep CO2 within the system for lighting?
Is molecular inversion really the truth about the energy produced in a CO2 laser?
Crack me up! Why should potus make a deal? They have no ability to derail his senate approved nominations.
Right between “P” and “R” like usual.
Governor Pritzger??