Baker drama is gay. And i earnestly believe we should have baker bots. And i think bakers are often attention/hallmoniterfags. But good work BO. The few times you actually ban niggers it's so out of hand that it's unquestionable.
That being said, i think there's some psychological suggestion going on. I started literally baking recently. I have 1 nonstick pan, one cast iron, a big pot, and jam jars that were honestly bought years ago for cannabis. I don't even own things like baking trays and pans and I'm spending an hour or two a day attending yeast starter cultures and no recipe bread/rolls/cookies by feel and timing. My cookies are awesome. And my stomach issues that made me research yeast cultures in the first place are gone.
Im Asian and i stopped buying rice so i wouldn't get fat eating bread every night. If the zombie apocalypse happens, my shits gonna be fucking artisan.