Looks like she also makes fun of Sarah Palin’s son.
I get what you’re saying. I just knew from my mom (his mom is her sister) that he was assigned to the search and rescue/recovery part. He had proof he was there on assignment and simply confirmed as soon as it was official- to both his mom and myself. I guess you could be correct, but I do know for a fact he was part of that team.
Q posted about Fannie and Freddie Loans. Got Cuomo.
Sauce: https://www.publicintegrity.org/2009/04/16/2891/why-andrew-cuomo-shielding-fannie-and-freddie
ANONS. We are heading toward MARTIAL LAW. We HAVE to. NO OTHER WAY.
I’ve been following Q’s posts and piecing them together.
THE STAGE IS SET. It is going to happen. Looks like this week. POTUS has just proven the points and in order for the arrests to happen, we have to bypass the court system, so military law goes into effect. HOLY SHIT. ITS HAPPENING.
I’ve been following intel. Q said has to be swift to take down heads. Doing it before Christmas. This is the time- migrants, violence and FISA Declass will warrant it.
Sessions is in charge of the SCIF.
the border military will be back by Christmas. Timeline has been shortened.
Martial Law HAS to occur in order to have the military bypass the corrupt court system.
Sessions has moved on to cover the SCIF
You’re not getting it, anon. It was a timeline for US.
Any CORRUPT judges across the nation- remember thee are different states.
Civilian. Martial law is needed. Look, I follow POTUS tweets and research. I hope I’m wrong but the drops are clear. VERY CLEAR.
Yes. The NG is key in this. They will be stationed across the US, according to Q. The recent migrant issue has activated them. Hence, I’ve researched the stage being set and that is how I came to this conclusion. I am pretty solid on this. The ONLY sour I have is IF martial law will be needed but reading the drops, in my OP, you can see Q saying it is.
I have, as well. BUT that is the only percent of error I found. Other intel shows that the martial law is still on the table. POTUS decision to call it, so not 100% if he will or not.
Agreed. But I’m going by Q’s posts. It is clear there.
Yes. But those facts aren’t disinfo. They are facts. What led me to this conclusion is the happenings- the stage is set for such scenario.
Key =
The CONSTITUTION is We the People. The keystone.
I’m an oldfag. The NorCal fag. I’ve been going back and connecting the dots and comparing Q’s posts with POTUS and current happenings. We all know it is coming but the question has always been WHEN.
I have a ton of notes and after this last week, was able to connect the dots and I feel confident in my post. My gut knows it is coming but the only question was when the timeline met the posts. When I read about the border guys coming home by Christmas, 2018 will be glorious, etc, it gave me a rough 2 week window for the stage being set to enable execution of Q’s drops.