Good job CAN anon, Im here, and Im so glad you posted this, they've been amping ff attacks all autumn…
RCMP is comped hard… just look at the Creep Catchers profiles, they constantly bust pedos and they are always trying to get the cops to do something about them, and the pedos barely ever get jailtime… my brother was murdered and they actually bribed a guy from the gang the real killer was in to take the fall… got 2.5 yrs for pot dealing and 1 yr for manslaughter. RCMP here are all a brother hood of deep state twats. (not every human cop, I know good is in there too but not in any numbers that help at all)
Oh believe you me, the MOMENT we can start eradicating pedos in daylight … this country will be like unstoppable tanks of "protect the kids" it is by far one of our populations biggest strengths. In jail here in CAN as soon as they find out you hurt a child, youre dead. Tortured for life until dead or just dead. The gaurds try to protect the pedos cuz they know its a certainty.
Our Hells Angels hate pedos. The day we can locate and kill them will be like Xmas for parents everywhere.. right now were too busy trying not to off ourselves due to the depression we are all effected by - NDP killing us with Treaudorks blessing … Only AB is paying a carbon tax - that goes up every year and is added to EVERYTHING. ON TOP OF our fucking jobs being slaughtered by machines and shitty politics. Oh and IMMEGRATION UP THE WAAAAZZOOOO … now this tranny bullshit too.