Anonymous ID: 318901 Feb. 16, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.397782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7903 >>7968



We had something similar called the fairness doctrine. It was dissolved by Obama in 2011 . By doing so, he leaglized propaganda and created the media culture we have today.


Moving to a fact based version eliminates the need for subjective assessment of the truth. It would repair the issues with the old system, force the truth to be relayed and afford the FCC the authority to hold those accountable whom intentionally mislead the public thus forcing the media to report both fair and accurate information. This is essential to begin the healing process and unify our nation. It would strip away the power the [C]lowns have over the media and effectively kill project mockingbird.

Anonymous ID: 318901 Feb. 16, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.398699   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Actually, you shouldnt be able to.


This is how it began. They have weaponized our own rights to disassociate the truth with fact. Doing so allows them to present evidence as fact without any truth behind it.


Freedome of speech is a fundamental right. We are free to say and do as we please. As spiderman said, with great power comes great responsibikity. If you say something, you should be held accountabke for your words. You have the freedom to say what you want but there are consequences.


By stating HRC is a criminal without providing any evidence to support your claims has manny negative effects.


  1. You, as an individual, lose credibility.

> loss of credibility leads to loss of respect

> given enough time, you will ostrizie yourself. You will become an outcast.

> Our first amendment right gives you the freedom to say as you please but it does not protect you from the consequences of your actions.


On a side note, this is also how you play into thier hands. You want freedoms without accountability. It doesnt work that way. It never has. Your words are who you are. If you are ok stating something without being able to prove it, you show that you are not to be trrusted and of low moral character.


  1. You cast doubt on everyone involved in the investigation.

> when someone makes a false statement, it not only hurts your cred, but the credibility of everyone involved.

> this is what allows terms like "conspiracy theorist" to be so effective.

> the internet has really fucked us here. The internet has given an voice to many who never had one. Using it to share your every thought, accurate or not, creates an environment where only a select few scources are considered credible.


  1. Lack of accountability along with a platform where everyone can share thier prespective has created a medium inwhich the evil finds its power.


I do not believe the government should regulate speech.

I do, however, believe that people should be held accountable for the words they speak.

We have lible and slander laws already that apply to citizens but the media has become exempt from punishment.